RKO Pictures Essays

  • The Glass Menagerie Memory Analysis

    1023 Words  | 5 Pages

    Memory plays the most important role in the The Glass Menagerie, because the figure narrator of the play, Tom Wingfield, tells the story through his own memory. Because the story is told through Tom’s memory, it is therefore non-realistic, sentimental, dimly lighted and takes a poetic licence. What this means is that whilst Tom may omit some details, he may exaggerate other details in accordance with his emotional connection to the memory. However, despite all of this, Tom tells an honest story.

  • Cinematic Techniques In Citizen Kane

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    about it, It 's terrific!" Though, what exactly is it that makes Citizen Kane the best movie of all time? Many, such as the New York Times on its debut in 1941, have acknowledged that "Citizen Kane was "one of the great (if not the greatest) motion pictures of all time" (qtd. in Brown). The movie is even in many top movie lists in rather high-ranking positions. The story is about a reporter trying to figure out just what the word "rosebud" meant to Kane, as it shows many flashbacks to Kane 's life as

  • West Side Story Dance Analysis

    2105 Words  | 9 Pages

    West Side Story; The Discrimination Behind the Song and Dance According to Alberto Sandoval-Sanchez, The musical (West Side Story) projects ethnic difference as a threat to the territorial, racial and linguistic identity, as well as to the national and imperial subjectivity of Anglo Americans. The musical, uses plot points, characters, music, dialogue and dances as a distraction from the ethnic and racial discrimination against Puerto Rican immigrants of that time. West Side Story may not necessarily

  • The Feminist Film Theory

    2928 Words  | 12 Pages

    Feminist film theory Feminist scholars point out that there is misogyny in the mainstream media that treat women as inferior and objects. They expressed that there is a need to explore representations and images of women. Feminist film theory makes gender its exploratory focus and it has emerged to find a place for women in films; they were frustrated with how feminist studies ignore critiques and works of media, particularly films. Conventionally, the representations of media are counter to the

  • Summary Of Johnny Got His Gun By Dalton Trumbo

    1255 Words  | 6 Pages

    wing political causes. He joined the communists and liberals in supporting the anti-fascist coalition against General Franco during the bloody Spanish Civil War. In 1939, Dalton Trumbo wrote the antiwar novel Johnny Got His Gun. The pub- lication of this book coincided with the antiwar movement of the far-left and far-right in the U. S. There was a break between President Franklin Roosevelt and the Communist Party, until America entered World War II as an ally of the British and the Russians. During

  • Movie Made America Robert Sklar Summary

    812 Words  | 4 Pages

    Josiah Koser 04/10/2017 Robert Sklar, Movie-Made America, Random House inc., New York City, New York, 1994. The argument made by the author Robert Sklar in his book Movie-Made America has to do with the impact that American movies have had on the country's culture and society as a whole. Sklar says this by stating that, “American movies, through much of their span, have altered or challenged many of the values and doctrines of powerful social and cultural forces in American society, providing

  • Reflecting To Roberta Pearson's Menace Of The Movies

    904 Words  | 4 Pages

    The critics denied cinema as an art form being unable to sustain the live performance. Despite the attempts to attract the viewers by inviting theater actors to star in the first movies, the interest to motion pictures did not rise. Theater long remained the primary form of art where staging was valued and appreciated by the audience and critics. The next criterion which cinema also failed to meet was the ability to freely express self in realism (Johns 80). The

  • Alfred Hitchcock Vertigo Analysis

    1104 Words  | 5 Pages

    Released in 1958, Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo was a film centering around lies and obsession. After being released from his job as a detective after he got acrophobia, John “Scottie” Ferguson is asked to follow his friend’s wife, Madeleine. Scottie starts up an affair with her, being drawn to her mystery. After she commits suicide, Scottie struggles with guilt. When he sees another version of Madeleine, his obsession pushes him to remake the woman into Madeleine. His obsession leads him to uncover

  • To Kill A Mockingbird And Radley's Analysis

    1588 Words  | 7 Pages

    “Judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement.” -- Simon Bolivar. Throughout each book, both of the characters,Jem from To Kill a Mockingbird and Junior from The Absolutely True Diary of a Part - Time Indian mature a lot from experiences and judgement they use. Jem believes he is invincible and no punishment can touch him and also that all people have good intentions. As he grows up through the novel, he learns an important lesson and so does Junior as he grows up. The

  • Nature Of Power In Macbeth

    894 Words  | 4 Pages

    Today, the issue of the corruptive nature of power is an important one, as seen in our current presidential election. This issue is also present in the book Macbeth by William Shakespeare. We chose to do a children's picture book in order to illustrate the theme of the destruction nature of power, using specific characters and parts of scenes. With focus on the main character, Macbeth, and minor characters such as Lady Macbeth, Banquo, and Duncan, it allows us to devote most of the book to the characters

  • Critical Review On Gender Representation

    1228 Words  | 5 Pages

    Representation: Minorities or marginalised sections of society have been known to be misrepresented in the media. If we take the issue of gender equality under the heading of representation in media culture, we can see that there are several similarities with those issues outlined when discussing the production of media. This issue can be explored further and more in depth when discussing how these marginalised areas of society are portrayed on film. Raising the argument of accurate representation

  • Vacation Scenes In The Disney World

    811 Words  | 4 Pages

    Vacation destinations are usually viewed as places where people travel to relax and escape from the realities of everyday life. When going on an excursion to a tropical island or an amusement park, it is easy to forget how much hard work is put into creating the perfect experience guests. Walt Disney World, located in Orlando, Florida, is one of the most popular vacation destinations for families all around the world. Disney World is known for its ability to bring fairytales to life through themed

  • Margo Roth Spiegelman's Journey

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    Flimsy as paper, Orlando has held Margo Roth Spiegelman captive for over eighteen years. She discovers how fake the people inside of the city behave. Before graduation, she escapes her life to explore and figure out who she is. However, Quentin, the boy who loves an unrealistic version of Margo, chases her, but he discovers she transforms into a person Quentin does not know anymore. Margo, insecure and just another papergirl to others, attempts to destroy everything in her paper town that harms her

  • Romantic Illusions In Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window

    2270 Words  | 10 Pages

    The prologue of Waltz into Darkness undermines any romantic illusions as the story itself begins, circa 1900, introducing us to a wealthy Cuban coffee planter named Luis Durand who anticipates the arrival of a mail order bride named Julia Russell (Jolie). Handsome and rich, he has never married ("Love is not for me. Love is for those people who believe in it"). His expectations for the bride are realistic: "She is not meant to be beautiful. She is meant to be kind, true and young enough to bear

  • Spellbound Movie Analysis

    884 Words  | 4 Pages

    Spellbound follows a female psychiatrist named Dr. Constance Peterson at a mental hospital who is considered by her fellow doctors as one of the best. When Dr. Anthony Edwardes arrives at a that hospital to replace the outgoing hospital director, he begins to behave very strangely, and soon Constance discovers that he is not who he claims to be. He is actually an impostor, suffering from a serious case of amnesia. His real name is John Ballantyne, and all of the circumstantial evidence indicates

  • Femme Fatale Analysis

    3797 Words  | 16 Pages

    Introduction Part 1: “Consciously or not, Alfred Hitchcock never followed tendencies of mainstream cinema. By depicting his heroines as strong and expressive, giving them freedom of will and using a subjective narrative mode, he broke with the classical image of woman as a spectacle.” (Malgorzata Bodecka) Films have always been influenced by the social-cultural background from the time the film was produced. Dating back to the beginning of film around the 1890s through the films produced today,

  • Last Life In The Universe Analysis

    980 Words  | 4 Pages

    Directed by Pen-Ek Ratanaruang, one of Thailands foremost “new wave” filmakers, the strangely haunting Last Life in the Universe provides viewers with an enticing and wholly unique cinematic experience. Delicate, enthralling, and hypnotically charged, Ratanaruang poignantly portrays the story of Kenji, a suicidal, OCD-bound Japanese librarian, living in Bangkok and seemingly on the run from his Yakuza influenced past. Over the course of the film we learn, not so much through dialouge but rather through

  • The Music Hall In Sunset Boulevard

    733 Words  | 3 Pages

    Aside from the natural, knowing tone of the dialogue, the realism of the picture is heightened by scenes set inside the actual iron-grilled gates of the Paramount Studio, where Norma Desmond goes for an on-the-set visit with her old comrade, Cecil B. DeMille himself. And the fantastic, Babylonian atmosphere of an incredible past

  • Crown Castle Essay

    1706 Words  | 7 Pages

    Crown Castle Crown Castle operates as a real estate investment trust (REIT) for federal income tax purposes. At the end of 2016, Crown Castle’s customers include Sprint, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, and AT&T, accounting for 90% of the company’s site rental revenues. Additionally, site rental revenues comprised of 82% of the company’s consolidated net revenues and site rental gross margin comprised of 89% of consolidated gross margin. Crown Castle’s site rental revenues is a result from initial

  • Symbolism In The Film Vertigo

    811 Words  | 4 Pages

    In many films, symbolism is an often-used tool that aide in making the viewing experience more profitable. One way the viewer is led to an in-depth understanding is to examine the scenes produced in the film that develop both firm and symbolic meanings. Studying what goes into the scene (Mise-en-Scene) in effect leads to this better understanding. In the film Vertigo, John Ferguson is asked to follow his friends’ wife, Madeleine Elster. As he follows her, there are intricate scenes that reveal essential