SAVE Essays

  • Character Analysis Of The Character 'Johnny In The Outsiders'

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    because he sacrificed himself to save children from a fire; Johnny also contributes to the a theme of the book: appearances aren’t everything; lastly he serves to teach Ponyboy about the world though his actions and words. Johnny is a Christ-like figure for saving kids from a burning building. Evidence is shown in this quote—“Johnny yelled, ‘shut up! We’re goin’ to get you out!’” (Hinton, 92)—Johnny takes control of the situation and rushes into a burning building to save lives, not thinking about himself

  • How Does Technology Harm Us

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    Have you ever heard someone say something like “Technology harms us” or “technology is bad for us”? Technology is good and benefits us. Technology helps us with our daily lives, also it makes us smarter and helps education, and technology is what helps the army able to protect you. Also as you read this you are on technology so there is already one reason it helps you. How many times have you used a faucet, or used a washing machine? That's one time that you have used technology in your daily

  • Orb And Infinity Stone Analysis

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    the universe. The influence the stone had on Ronan put the whole universe at risk and ended in more tragedy that could have been avoided. This anthropological concept has influenced Ronan’s behavior during this scene where the Guardians of the Galaxy save the universe and destroy Ronan who made risky decisions and became even more influenced the longer he had

  • Character Analysis Of Johnny In The Outsiders

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    In “The Outsiders,” by S.E. Hinton, Johnny Cade, becomes a hero by exchanging his life for others. Johnny wanted to live a good life, but when he killed a soc he became a murderer. So, he ran away to an old church. After a while the church caught on fire and kids were trapped inside. Johnny saved them, but injured himself badly. Then, Johnny died as a hero. In this story, Johnny saved Ponyboy from drowning in a fountain by killing a Soc. Also, when the church caught on fire Johnny took the

  • How Dary Is A Hero In The Outsiders

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    “A true hero isn’t measured by the size of their strength, but by the strength of their heart.” A hero is a person that does something to help or they can also save someone 's life. One example of, being a hero is Darry because he takes care of Ponyboy and Sodapop. Another example, of being a hero is Johnny when he saved Ponyboy and the little kids. A further example, of being a hero is Ponyboy when he also saved the little kid’s life and when he wanted to take the blame for killing Bob. Yes any

  • Definition Essay: An American Hero

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    An American Hero Some things just do not exist and never will, it is just how life goes. The idea of America having one hero, The American Hero, does not exist. America cannot have one hero, one person to be grateful for, one person who has provided protection or one person who has helped improve it. It is impossible for America to be grateful for only one person when America was built by thousands if not millions. Heroes are not the ones with superpowers, capes, or fame. None of these things are

  • Percy Jackson Epic Hero

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    or to save the person that they love. Odysseus’ main motivation was to return home to his wife - Penelope, while Percy had to face a more dire quest

  • Summary Of The Man In The Water By Roger Rosenblatt

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    would die to save someone else's life. Rosenblatt tells us about The Man in the Water after the plane crashes and how he doesn’t swim away from everyone but, takes five people to the helicopter to survive the disaster. The man in the water helped survivors of the plane crash and saved many lives . Rosenblatt’s responds to the fact that The Man in the Water lost his life to save others was that he was impressed and surprised that there are people willing to give their lives to save others. The main

  • Is Buck Good Or Evil Essay

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    opinion. In my opinion, Buck is good because he killed the Yeehats to avenge his beloved master, he killed Spitz to save his fellow teammates, and he hunted and killed in the woods to survive. These are the reasons for why Buck has a good heart and good intentions. Buck is a good hearted dog, and he did what he had to do to survive. He killed the Yeehats, but he did so to try to save his master. He saved John Thornton 's life twice, they had developed a special He did not kill for the fun of it

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Textbooks

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    example, we can download the articles from the internet at any time and place. Moreover,we can use electronic textbooks to read many articles and no need to keep the traditional print textbooks so electronic textbooks are also save the space and environmentally friendly. We can save the world because we reduce the felling of trees .We also can read and study anywhere on anything and it can help people to reducing carrying heavy textbooks.(Shepperd, J.A., Grace, J.L., & Koch, E.J. 2008) Another advantage

  • Adriana In Shakespeare's The Comedy Of Errors

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    In Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors, the wife of Antipholus of Ephesus, Lady Adriana, is often portrayed as shallow and clingy. In act two, scene one, Adriana is presented as a worrisome wife wondering about why her husband is late to dinner and his intentions of doing so. She instantly begins to question his actions and jump to the worse conclusion possible. While some people may see her worries over a simple meal to be an extreme exaggeration, there is a deeper meaning and symbol behind the idea

  • The Open Boat Literary Analysis

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    On January 2, 1987, Stephen Crane’s boat Commodore sank twelve miles off the coast of Daytona Beach, Florida. After much chaos and confusion in abandoning ship, much of the people aboard perished in scattered life boats that capsized, but Crane was lucky enough to be on the solely surviving dinghy. Thirty long hours of paddling through stormy seas later, the boat barely arrived ashore. After this traumatic experience, Crane decided to transform this incident into a short story—one that explores both

  • Higher Education: The Advantages Of Online Learning

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    campus or on a set schedule. But when the courses are offered online, then such students can easily access lectures and other course materials according to their own preferable schedules. FINANCIAL SAVINGS Through this the students are also able to save money. This is because there are some online programs that cost less per credit hour and through this the students have no transportation expenses. Some of the online classes may not even require physical textbooks, as reading materials may be available

  • To Kill A Hero Analysis

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    “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers fear”(Nelson Mandela). This means that a hero is someone that protects without thinking, even if they are afraid. They put aside their fears for the sake of others. Mandela believed that all people should be equal and he worked towards this goal facing fear even if it meant being punished. Similar to what Nelson Mandela said, in the book, Maus,, by

  • Wealth And Happiness In Voltaire's Candide

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    The novel Candide, written by Voltaire, portrays the adventures and experiences of the main character named Candide. Being a very honest man, a character like Candide can be easily swayed and convinced to do and believe anything. From carelessness to greed, the reader can clearly understand that Voltaire ridicules many decisions and situations that occur in the novel. One of many themes Voltaire mocks in the novel would be how greed can result from wealth. What Voltaire is ultimately conveying to

  • The Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality

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    As some of us might know there has been a passionate debate on the issue of the net neutrality in which there is strong feelings on both sides of the debate. Net neutrality is the idea government should regulate the internet so that the major telecommunications companies won’t be able to turn the internet landscape into a monopoly. This paper will examine both sides of the net neutrality debate in which the content of this paper will explore both the pro and cons of net neutrality. At the end of

  • Social Commentary In The Picture Of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde

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    Relatively all authors are very fond of creating an underlying message to criticize society. Authors do this through social commentary. The book “The Picture of Dorian Gray” is no exception. The author, Oscar Wilde, criticizes the upper class through the consistent underlying idea that people are often deceived by one's beauty and are unable to understand the poison that fills the world is corrupting it. From the beginning of this book, the social commentary towards the upper class begins with

  • Mahatma Gandhi Hero

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    The definition of a hero varies among each person’s thoughts and perspectives towards the hero. Some people choose their hero according to their looks, others choose them as a person who has a great personality and calls for what is good. A hero influences people around him to follow his good actions and manners. Not all heroes deserve to be named heroes since some only strive for fame. defines the word hero as “a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds

  • How Does Technology Affect Our Society Today

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    Technology and Children in Our Society Today Technology has always been progressing thus it is rampant in our society today. We use technology; depend on technology in our daily life and our needs and demands for technology keep on rising (Ramey, 2012). Wherever you look, you will see people holding different kinds of technology like cell phone, laptop, tablets and etc. It appears to most of us that technology is a necessity to the point where we can no longer live without it. The current study

  • Save Manatees Essay

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    Manatees Why is it important to save the manatees? A record number of manatees or sea cows died in the last year and these animals have been on the endangered species list for a long time. It has become a huge problem, and what can we do to solve it? Manatees have become endangered because of humans destroying their habitat, and when humans destroy the manatee's homes, that causes pollution, which can be deadly to manatees. I think that it is important to save manatees because they will be happier