South America Essays

  • Essay On Poverty In South America

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    only in South America but it is all around the world. You may not know but it could be happening in your own home town. Poverty is a big problem today due to many reasons but one being the distribution of wealth between social classes is unequal. Many people of South America are dealing with extreme poverty. There are many reasons behind the poverty in South America. The main reason is the distribution of wealth is very unequal (Bank). Some other reasons that poverty is such a thing in South America

  • Deforestation In South America Essay

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    years. In countries like South America, the people turn to agriculture to meet the needs of everyday life, which leads to deforestation. In poor communities in places like South America, farming is the way of life because this is how they survives and make money. By the removing of trees, it creates more space for farming grazing, and it’s a source of income for many people. The loss of land is also due to mining as well creating another source of income in South America. Although deforestation is

  • Similarities Between South America And Spain

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    meaning that it is surrounded by water on many of its sides. Bolivia is completely landlocked, although one side is somewhat close to the sea. Spain is near Europe, within distance of many different countries. Bolivia however is on the side of South America, closer to the equator than Spain. Because of these differences in location, there are many differences that arise between the countries themselves. These differences are what define the countries and make them unique. Yet while both of these countries

  • South America Thesis

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    Thesis Statement: The United States should colonize South America because it may increase their resources, increase economic growth, and unify groups to achieve a common goal. Body Paragraph #1 Topic Sentence: The United States should colonize South America because it could potentially increase the amount of resources South America gains. Supporting Evidence #1: According to Encyclopedia Entry on South America: Resources, South America has a large and profitable mining industry, more than one

  • Reasons To Colonize South America

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    should colonize South America. South America is known for its vast land, plentiful crops, and different types of climates. America should colonize South America because it is the fourth largest continent and is plentiful in mining, oil, and fish. Colonization is when a group of people relocate to a new area to help the native people become more developed. In the 1800 's Europe colonized Africa because of its vast land, good location, and plentiful resources. In the year 2030, America should colonize

  • Brazil: The Largest Economy In South America

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    Brazil is by far the largest economy in South America. It has a population of over 204 million people and a labor force of 110 million. Throughout the last couple decades, Brazil has focused on expanding its middle class, creating a larger skilled workforce and a larger consumer base; and although the country is one of the most resourceful in the world, corruption and bureaucracy are still intricately related with the country’s business environment. The country had a high growth rate during the

  • Overcoming Discrimination In South America

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    foreigners or blacks changed is continuously asked. With countless protests, reforms, speakers and even a war one would think yes considering there are no longer segregated areas or racial slurs yelled out. So, America has moved towards a more equal world, but what about countries such as South Africa that faced an even more difficult struggle overcoming discrimination? When reading the first chapter of Invictus, one particular quote made me think maybe so. The lines read, “ The curious thing was that

  • The Pros And Cons Of Colonization Of South America

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    America once colonized South America. Based on past examples Colonization of South America would be wrong because Americans would be taking away South America's freedom and increasing violence in their country Americans should not try to colonize South America because it would be taking away their freedom, like the British did to Africa. Notice what happened when the British tried to take over Africa, “Africans lost control of their land and of their independence”(Lugard, F. 1929). The British came

  • The Pros And Cons Of Colonization Of South America

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    used their better resources to take advantage of the land and the natives. South America is struggling to establish growth in some of its countries, and have major problems in increasing development. Some people would want to colonize and make South America great again, but it would be against the best interest of the United States and South America to do so. Therefore, the United States should not colonize South America because of the loss of

  • Income Inequality In South America Essay

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    ownership, greater is the ability to amass riches. Unequal distribution of fortune also averts an inclusive growth pattern that Latin America is experiencing. Secondly, income inequality goes hand in hand with unequal access to good things such as education, health and political power—inequalities that violate basic principles of democracy. Third, inequality in Latin America involves widespread poverty: two out of five Latin Americans are poor, even though most of them live in “middle-income” countries

  • The Incca Empire In South America

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    The Incas ruled a fantastic Empire in South America, but not until the Spaniards invaded the Empire and destroyed it in no time. The expansion began in 1438 led by a ruler called Pachacuti and continued under his generations. In about 1300 the Incas founded their capital city, Cuzco. Inca was only an itsy-bitsy tribe, however, not until they covered most of Peru and parts of Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia and northwest Argentina. Since they lived in mountain ranges, they were able to attack the enemies

  • Deep Cultural Approach To Health Care In South Africa And America

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    In South Africa, the “deep culture” topic of the approach to healthcare is similar in South Africa than in America. For example, both countries operate under a Bio/Western Medicine Philosophy, both countries use their government in order to regulate healthcare, and for both countries, fighting disease is a major focus. In South Africa, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria are all large problems that impact large numbers of the population. Upwards of 19% of the population is said to be infected by

  • How Did Simon Bolivar Changed South America

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    Simon Bolivar changed South America. He freed many countries in South America, while keeping his goals entirely intact. He took a stand against a tyrannical leader, to defeat a corrupt government, to gain freedom, and liberty. When Simon Bolivar was a young man he traveled to Europe, to visit the ruler of Spain, Napoleon. Napoleon was a French military leader who had crowned himself emperor, and quickly rose to power. While in Europe, Bolivar and Napoleon discussed their goals and ambitions. Napoleon

  • Why Is Simon Bolivar Called The George Washington Of South America

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    fought in the war to have independence in South America. Bushwell wanted to explain what actually happened with Simon Bolivar when he fought in the war to have independence in his country. The PDF reading of Simon Bolivar and Manuela, Leaders of South American Independence explains how Bolivar helped South America became independence country. For the Sounth America, they believe Simon Bolivar and he “has been called the ‘George Washington of South America’ for his efforts in securing the independence

  • South America North And South Essay

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    Infant Mortality Rate: The south has higher values than the north. The west has lower values than the west. The highest values are in central Africa, south and southeast Asia and western south america. The lowest values are in north America, Europe and northeast Asia. In Europe, the lower values are in the north and the east and the higher values are in the west. In Africa, the highest values are in the center and the lowest values are in the north and the south. In South America the the highest values

  • Essay On South America

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    Introduction South America is world’s fourth largest continent. It has an area of 17,840,000 km2 that covers one-eighth of the land area on Earth. South America is home to about 423 million people. There are 12 sovereign nations and other territories in the continent. South America contains natural wonders and unique cultures. It was once home to many ancient civilisations and tribes. Today, the population of South America is a mixture of Europeans, Africans and indigenous. Most of them reside near

  • Poverty In South America

    1530 Words  | 7 Pages

    Love it or hate it, the South is a place like no other. There are many great things about the south. Some of the best things about the south are the delicious southern home cooked meals, the southern hospitality, football, sweet tea, and being the birthplace of many successful musicians and writers. However, there are some things in the south that are not so great. Unfortunately, the south is also known for having some of the most obese residents, having a high percentage of teen pregnancies, and

  • The Economic Growth Of North And South America From 1800s To 1860

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    economic growth of North and South America from the 1800s to the 1860s differed in multiple ways. Various factors such as: culture, views toward slavery, population, agriculture, and industry greatly effected the separation of economic growth in America. As their conflicting opinions towards slavery grew stronger, the South continued to rely on agriculture; however, the North fulfilled their economic needs through industry. In spite of their differences, the North and South did have some similarities

  • Peanuts In South America

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    Peanuts History: Peanuts have existed in South America for thousands of years. It is very significant diet for the South America and Maxico. They are basically used in many African countries and converted into traditional foods. They were valued as a blessed food and moved to the North America, which is beginning firstly into this the region. Peanuts are considered as a popular gain in popularity in the U.S b y the struggle of the particular persons like George Washington and the St. Missouri.

  • South American Myths And Legends Of South American Mythology

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    South American myths and legends are very much known by the South American community. South american mythology is known for its mythical legends, and the outlandish mythical stories because South american mythology has a collection of mythical stories that tell why, what,and how something is or what it does and south american mythology has many mythical legends that are well known, and important to south american mythology. South american mythology has a collection of mythical stories that tell