Essay On Critical Literacy

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My parents have always been very caring and reassuring. They pushed me to be where I am today. They are my allies. They significantly helped me get through many tough times at school. I was doing well with most of the subjects, but there was one that I definitely was not fond of: math. I did not hate math; in fact, I enjoyed math. I simply did not like that I was not doing well in it. I often had trouble using the information I learned in class to solve equations on the homework. I was also the kind of person to rush through many of the problems that I thought I knew how to do, resulting in silly mistakes. I was getting stressed out about my grades and lost hope in being the all A’s student my parents were encouraging me to be. Getting into gifted, a program for advanced learners, put even more pressure on me since everyone expected me to get amazing grades. …show more content…

He taught me the importance of school and learning. At first I was unwilling to let my dad assist me with my homework, being the stubborn child I was, but I had no other choice due to the lack of care or interest from my teacher and the fact that my grade in math was not so great. We sat down by the kitchen table and began working through the questions together. He told me some useful information and I soaked it in like a sponge. As the weeks went by, I improved and eventually became confident enough to finish my homework myself. I obtained many lessons and tips from my dad and my grade in math went up. “Guess what!” I shouted to my dad as I came home from school one

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