Mattie's Life In Philadelphia During The Summer Of 1793

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FEVER 1793
During the summer of 1793, Matilda (Mattie) Cook lives in the family coffeehouse in Philadelphia with her mother and grandfather, Eliza and their pet parrot King George. Mattie spends her days dodging chores and making plans to turn the family business into the finest coffeehouse Philadelphia has ever seen. But then the fever begins. In 1793 yellow fever began to grow everyday people started to die mother’s father’s sisters and more. Ever since the question has been asked where Polly. Mother went to Polly’s house and saw that Polly’s dead an hour later after she left the coffeehouse.
Next mother falls ill with the fever, Dr. Rush comes and looks at mother he explains about the fever. Dr. Rush started to drain blood from mother to help cure mother as she is asleep. When she wakes up she looks around and sees Mattie as she yells “OUT!!!!” because she does not want her to fall ill to. So later that evening Mattie packed her bags and had to leave with grandfather to the Ludington family to be safe from the fever. When on the carriage they had got stopped to check if anyone had the fever. While checking Grandfather was coughing and doctors said that he had the fever. …show more content…

They started to walk but after a few hours they got tired and sat down to rest with King George had left. Mattie said that she will go find some food. When coming back Mattie collapsed on the floor because she had caught the fever. The next morning, she had woken up at bush hill as she recovered from the fever. Her mother was not able to be reached so grandfather took care of her. When on their way back home 5 other children sat next to Mattie. When back in the coffeehouse two robbers broke in the house and that night grandfather had

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