Monroe Doctrine Vs Manifest Destiny Essay

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Although there have been many factors that have contributed to making the United States what it exists as in the modern day, the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny are two crucial documents and movements that played a role in the development of the United States. During the mid-nineteenth century, the Monroe Doctrine unified the United States, creating an environment of hostility towards other non-Western Hemispheres, specifically European forces. This document asserted the United States power as well as established its control over the Americas and the general Western Hemisphere. The Monroe Doctrine served to provide a legal and social rationalization for the ideology behind Manifest Destiny, ultimately leading to Westward expansion. The …show more content…

The strictness of the United States is exemplified through The American YAWP, which states, “The Monroe Doctrine declared that the United States considered its entire hemisphere, both North and South American, off-limits to new European colonization” (YAWP 193). The United States was sending a strong message, deeming any action even in Latin America would be considered a hostile act against the United States, prompting the United States to take action, which would lead to negative repercussions for the European powers. This Doctrine was issued as a result of growing American concerns about possible increased European powers and prevalence in the Western Hemisphere, specifically the United States (Western United States) through the expansion of their colonies. The

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