Perils Of Indifference Essay

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Words have power beyond measures. Used often to inclifct emotions such as fear, sadness, sympathy, or joy, they have the power to connect individuals globally. The words from one man in particular have told the horrifying story of his life in the internment camps during World War II. The book Night was a memoir he wrote about the experience. The book solely focused on his time in the camp and the harsh reality he faced. In much detail, he described his life, his feelings, and his struggle of survival throughout the time he was imprisoned there. Elie Wiesel is also a Nobel Laureate. Being of this honor and widely known, he was invited to the white house to deliver a speech. “Perils of Indifference” was the speech he gave. It briefly had …show more content…

The memoir, titled “Night” was his documentation of the real life occurrences while living in the camps. The book tells about the injustice of humanity, and the perseverance of a young boy. He wrote the book as a way to tell his story of hope. One way he did that was by not losing hope in his religion. The entire book was about his survival through the concentration camps. He became imprisoned in these camps because of his religion, Jewish. But, he managed to still hold his faith while in the camp. Some examples of this were still praying at times of great fear, before meals, and trying their very hardest to celebrate their custom holidays. There were times when he questioned his religion as it wound him there, but he never lost his hope for the future. Another way he showed feelings of hope and passion through the book was his perseverance after losing family. He was separated from his little sister and mother from the very start and continued his journey with his father. They had gone through so much together and even after his passing he continued his quest of survival. This book was the ultimate test of hope for

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