Pros And Cons Of The JFK Assassination

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The JFK Assassination was and is still a controversial topic in the U.S. On Friday, November 22, 1963, in Texas, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a man named Oswald. Conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of JFK are a healthy bi-product of a democratic society showing that the people of the U.S. are well informed when they do such things as questioning the government about its representation of the assassination. A conspiracy theory is another perspective of what really happened at many of the most important events that have ever happened in the US; Like the JFK assassination. The JFK Assassination is a very controversial event. Many believe that Oswald killed John F Kennedy but there are also others that think that …show more content…

The First Expression of Freedom is the Bill of Rights in the “Constitution”. It is under the first amendment in the Bill of Right and it is a fundamental Right (Berenson S7.1). The first con is the first amendment as Cornog says “In recognition of the role that the press played in the nation’s founding, and in appreciation of the crucial role it plays in maintaining a free society, the press was granted special protections under the First Amendment” (Cornog S5.1). This is a con because the press is allowed to do whatever they want under the first amendment. Which allows them to say and show anything they want like a lie. But, this will always happen if your democratic society is committed to free expression. Another con is that the US is considered out of all the countries a nation that has freer places for media, but there is still corruption in the media (Shay S5.6). This is a con because there is corruption in the media and it is bad too. But, since the government does nothing about the corruption in the media it also shows that the government is trying to convey the point that the US is committed to free expression. A pro that comes out of the commitment to free expression is organizations that help the people stay committed to free expression. Like the ACLU. The ACLU, which stands for American Civil Liberties Union, is a way of the US showing …show more content…

John F Kennedy was a great man that got assassinated and he was too young to die. Democratic societies like the US show ways of themselves being committed to free expression. Conspiracies are a healthy bi-product of a democratic society. Like JFK used to say “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”

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