Response For Night Elie Wiesel

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In the book Night Elie Wiesel a 15 year old boy takes his readers through the life of a Holocaust survivor. When reading Night you feel what he feels what Elie feels. This truly inspirational book is a great read and helps you understand the gruesome, frightening, and suffering that was the Holocaust. No one should ever have to endure the suffering that he went through in order to survive this horrific event. One part of the book that I found particularly striking to me would have to be the death march. The death March happened in April of 1945. The Allied forces were moving in on the germans and their concentration camps. This cause the germans to force the jew to run to another camp closer farther into german line to a concentration camp called Buchenwald. The Jewish people were hungry, over worked and many were sick this made the match that much harder. …show more content…

This ends up being a bad decision for Ellie because after the war he learns about how that camp along with the people in the infirmary had been liberated by the Russians. Ellie hungry like many other Jews but a little bit more having giving his portions of soup to his dad because he had needed it. His dad became very sick and it didn’t look like he would live much longer. The day of the march the soldiers forced all the Jews to sprint for miles. Ellie was running along side his dad. They made them run as fast as they could run. ¨ The SS made us increase our pace ¨Faster, you tramps, you flea-ridden dogs!" Why not? Moving fast made us a little warmer¨ Said Ellie on page 85. The officers had orders to shoot anyone who could not maintain the pace but many other Jews dropped dead during the run and the officers didn’t waste a bullet. When the SS officers were tired they were replaced. But the Jews were forced to keep

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