Rosa Parks Research Paper

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Throughout history there have been influential people. For example, individuals influence, the world protesting what is right, discovering something new or using their resources to help others with their generosity. Specialty, Rosa Parks is a influenced to millions of people. Rosa Parks is influential because her Beliefs were for equal rights, she was awarded for spingarn medal and other awards, and her she was brave. One reason, Rosa Parks is influential because she was fighting for equal rights, This is because Website National Parks Service states,”the mother of the civil rights movement Rosa Parks invigorated the struggle for racial equality when she refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama”. This quote proves, that Rosa beliefs were for equal rights that everyone gets treated equally. For instance, Encyclopædia Britannica states,’’African American civil rights activist whose refusal to relinquish her seat on a public bus to a white man.” This quote shows, Rosa was not going to move for a white man because she was tired of people treating others unfairly. Also, states,”Montgomery Industrial School for Girls, Parks' education at the Alabama State Teachers College.” This quote supports my answer, because Rosa beliefs were to finish school because her mom was a teacher so she wanted to finish school. …show more content…

This is since, states,”Rosa Parks was a brave and loyal person.” This quote confirms how Rosa was brave to not give up her set. Now that, Alonzo Rosales shows,”Rosa Parks is a fearless and integrity leader”. This quote states, how Rosa was a leader to all. As well as, states,”she was nice, caring, and stood up for herself she did good for her community and family”. This quote is important, because Rosa was a big help to everyone around her. In summary, these are some facts show Rosa had good

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