Similarities Between Lenin And Stalin

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Lenin and Stalin

Pre- Stalin era
Despite his notoriety and corruption to his state, Russia had experienced tremendous trauma prior to Stalin’s reign. Stalin’s predecessor was Vladimir Lenin. Although Lenin was famous for his methods and his ideals during his rule like the creation of the Gulag system. He did encourage the creation and production of art with the condition that “it aimed serving the goals of a new society” (Roseberry, 1982: 10).
Maes (2002) explains that although Stalin was open to the concept of creating art, he still kept a grip on the process by saying “the relative liberalization had been ushered in by the regime itself and was carefully controlled” (Maes, 2002: 243). Maes (2002) also discusses Lenin’s involvement in culture and the arts as it was his belief that “culture was subordinate to politics” (Maes, 2002: 239). Lenin enforced the communist regime and was inspired by ruling through fear. Harris (2013) clarifies Lenin’s methods by displaying his approaches to keeping control of his country. This meant that Lenin “viewed terror as a legitimate and necessary instrument of political struggle” (Harris, 2013: 50). Harris showcases Lenin’s methods of controlling his population through fear by establishing “the Gulag system, mass deportation, mass strengthening of the Soviet Police State” (Harris, 2013: 53). Lenin was responsible for the formation of the Gulag system which was a series of labour camps located in various areas of Russia. Stalin maintained this practice after Lenin’s death in 1924. From the literature reviewed, the recurring …show more content…

Stalin ruled through unbridled terror and no members of society were safe, members of Stalin’s inner circle succumbed to this terror and the question must be asked how did Shostakovich survive? How did this affect his relationship with his

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