Slavery Dbq Essay

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To What Extent Were Southern Slaveholders Justified in Comparing Slavery in Favorable Terms to Northern Factory?

Compared to slavery, working in a factory seemed much greater and simpler than working for someone without getting paid. When you think about it, is it actually better than slavery? Families would force their own children to work in factories to make money to support their own family. In 1819, people, starting at the age of 9, had to start working in factories (Doc 15). A few years later in 1844, the minimum age requirement decreased to the age of 8. There is no age requirement for being a slave. Some slaves are far too young to know what slavery is, while others can be seniors. Slaves would have to work for their master daily …show more content…

Their beliefs show how slaves should be joyful about how their owners show their concern about them. Fitzhugh quotes, “...yet have all the comforts and necessities of life provided for them (Doc 1).” This quote implies how Fitzhugh explains how slaves should be cheerful about their life as a slave. He explained that slaves have a balance of their time and that they also have their holidays off. He also mentions, “White Slave Trade [Northern free labor] is more exacting and fraudulent (in fact, though not in intention) than Black Slavery; (Doc 2)...” This explains how Fitzhugh views White Slave Trade and Black Slave Trade; he believes Black Slave Trade is more superior than north slave trade. Overall, Fitzhugh and Grayson both have an agreement upon north and south …show more content…

The slaves were observed by customers and were tested to see what they can do for their new master. This also hints to how some slaves get abused by the owner and will not get sold. The scars depict how the slave will act. Another quote states how slaves got separated by their families. It illustrated how slaves got marketed and how many families would get split

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