Summary Of Yes Colleges Should Be Allowed To Ban Alcohol On Campus

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In both essays, the debate over alcohol on college campuses is the thesis statements and are signaled in the title. For instance, in the essay “Yes, Colleges Should Be Allowed to Ban Alcohol on Their Campuses” by Jessica Gross her claim is stated in the title of the essay itself. She believes that the college campus has the right to ban or allow alcohol on their campus and if the applicant doesn’t want to attend the college based on their alcohol preferences, then there are plenty of other schools to attend. In contrast the essay “No, Colleges Should Not Be Allowed to Ban Alcohol on Their Campus” by Mike Dang again like the previous essay Dang states his thesis and which side he is arguing for in the title of the essay. Dang believes that …show more content…

How is the essay organized? The essay “Yes, Colleges Should Be Allowed to Ban Alcohol on Their Campuses” is organized by the inductive argument. A reader can quickly tell how much research Gross did in order to write this essay throughout each paragraph there is a piece of evidence that leads up to the conclusion. The essay “No, Colleges Should Not Be Allowed to Ban Alcohol on Their Campus” is organized by the deductive argument. The thesis/claim is immediately given in the title its self; therefore, a reader will automatically know which side of the argument the author believes. In the beginning, Mike Dang states that banning alcohol will not solve anything and then begins to explain offering solutions that a campus could try before banning alcohol …show more content…

Dang uses oversimplification logic by suggesting solution to help students all while keeping the pub open. The solutions proposed include; stricter punishments for underage drinkers, a week of alcohol abusive education, and providing shuttle services so students can return home safely. Ad bominem argument is used when Dang implies that colleges only ban alcohol because they don’t trust their student and by banning alcohol they are taking the easy way out by saying the students were not on campus. Therefore, the college is not responsible for that student. In the concluding paragraph of this essay, it states that even medical practitioners dink from time to time. By implying this, Dang has used the appeal to an unqualified authority logic. The last logical fallacies used in this essay is non-sequitur, Dang used this logic in the conclusion of his essay saying college is busy and intense. Therefore, the students should have to right to keep the pub on campus. By implying this, Dang is insulating that since life is rough that college kids must

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