The Dark In Sight Of The Soul And Sou's Beloved Analysis

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The numerous titles, forms and definitions of God depict how powerful he is, making it an important motive to search for God since he is the caretaker of the human soul. The metaphorical usages of nature seen in the writings “The Dark nIght of the Soul”, “Ode 314” and “Sou’s Beloved” are distinct and similar in many different ways which help portray how love is natural, necessary and beneficial.

In the poem “Ode” by Rumi, a Muslim poet, love is seen as powerful, natural, unexplainable and necessary through its usage of natural metaphors. The first couple lines describe how those who don’t experience love haven’t experienced love “pulling them like a river,” (Ode, Rumi). That being said, love is so powerful you can’t even control it. The next couple of lines also describe these people as those who “don’t drink dawn like a cup of spring water or take in sunset like supper,” (Ode, Rumi). The metaphors of spring water and supper is another way of saying that love is necessary to live, just as food and water. Love is also explained as being “beyond the study of theology,” (Ode, Rumi). which means love is unexplainable. Even you can’t write love down in words, it ties into the search of god through love is necessary to survive. …show more content…

Azikiri’s poem “Soul’s Beloved” love for god is seen as being on a different spectrum for “your love to him is sweeter than a taste of honeycomb’s nectar” which makes love stronger than nature itself. The phrase “servant to your Will” makes love appear to be something that you owe to god, however your love to god will be exchanged with positive outcomes. This experience of reaching god explains that you will be “strengthened and healed” and that your will will be served

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