To Kill A Mockingbird Revenge Quotes

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Revenge can lead to both violence and death Conflict between people or groups of people often result in revenge. Revenge is an action of harming someone as a punishment in return for what they have done to themselves or others. Violence and death are usually the result of revenge. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird and the film, La Haine, revenge led to both violence and death. ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, is about the lives of Scout and her brother, Jem Finch, who are growing up in Maycomb, Alabama during the 1930’s. Along with their summer friend, Dill, the children become fascinated with the idea of getting a glimpse of their mysterious unseen neighbour, Boo Radley. Meanwhile, Jem and Scout’s attorney father, Atticus Finch, has decided …show more content…

Bob didn’t care who he took it out on. He becomes very angry when Atticus decides to defend Tom Robinson – he hates the fact that Atticus is a white man who is defending a black man. He becomes even angrier with the outcome of the case, not being satisfied with the guilty verdict against Tom. Even though Tom is not acquitted, it is clear that he is sentenced because he is a black man who was hanging around a white woman. Every man on the jury and every person in town knows that he didn’t do it. Because of this, Bob Ewell becomes furious and feels humiliated. One morning, Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on the post-office corner, spat in his face, and threatened him saying that he would get him if it took the rest of his life. And he did just that. On the night of the Halloween pageant, Jem and Scout become targets of Bob Ewell, who takes revenge on Atticus for the humiliation due to what Atticus did in the trial (saying that both Mayella and Bob were lying about Tom Robinson raping Mayella even though all the evidence proved that this was the truth). An angry drunk Bob Ewell attacks the children by trying to kill them with a knife on their way home from school during the night. However, Boo Radley makes an unexpected appearance, saving the kids and killing Bob Ewell in the

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