2003 singles Essays

  • Mister Guard Monologue

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    TYGER Guard: Prisoner 's here, sir. Strange: Very good. Send him in. TYGER GUARD: But we haven 't got the suit off him yet. He 's dangerous. Are you sure? Hugo Strange: Of course. Victor Fries and I have much in common. We will be fine. (The door is heard opening. Mister Freeze enters, servos letting off hisses as he walks. The door closes.) Hugo Strange: Welcome to my facility. Please, take a seat. Mister Freeze: I prefer to stand. Why am I here? Hugo Strange: Oh, Victor, there will be plenty of

  • Personal Narrative: Why I M Pregnant In Prison

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    As they told me I was pregnant I couldn’t believe it I was upset and as well thrilled with the news, I kept telling them that I couldn’t be pregnant and that was certain that I wasn’t I was surprised. I felt a rush of excitement and sadness cross my mind, there were so many questions to be answered that keep running through my mind but one continually was coming back to me was the thought of ‘how everyone would think of me’ knowing that I’m pregnant in prison, that’s is due to get hung for the crime

  • Personal Narrative: The Powerhouse Fire

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    On May 30 2013 someone was saying to his friend, Ciara“Alright Ciara, I need to tell; you this now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Also, there’s some bad news… I have to evacuate my home. There’s an extremely large fire maybe 15 miles from my house and heading this way..” and he sent her “I can see the flames from my house! I’m packed, and evacuating. Just hope my house doesn’t burn. And if it does, then.. idk I’ll miss you, and try to get in contact sometime.”. Not only was she heartbroken, it also sparked interest

  • Personal Narrative: To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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    Brenna Peterson Ms. Drosdick English 9 01/11/2017 Narrative 2 Walkin’ into to school each day is something I hate dearly. The meek whispers of “He’s a Cunningham,” “He ain’t even got shoes,” “Did y’all see what Walter Cunningham was wearin’” ought to be the same questions I hear every day scattered across the schoolyard. I reckon that if my family was just as prosperous as the regular old folks in this town, we would be treated differently. Having to withstand the eagerness to just accept

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of 'How To Use Paper Towels'

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    In the speech “How to Use Paper Towels” by Joe Smith used logos to explain and demonstrate a faster and more environmentally friendly way to use paper towels. This speech was given in April of 2012 while presenting at a TED talk. The audience of this presentation was mostly CEO’s and highly educated people. Joe Smith used logos in this speech to show that there is a more efficient and productive way to use paper towels. Joe Smith used logos in “How to use Paper Towels”. Logos are the use of facts

  • Quotes In Fahrenheit 451, By Ray Bradbury

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    For two of my qoutes I decided to take them from some of my favorite books. I Chose my first quote,taken from Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, because Fahrenheit 451 was for the most part my first step into classic literature and has inspired me to continue reading and striving to know more about literature and novels and the many worlds contained within their pages. I’ve always found this quote especially inspirational considering how much I want to travel as I get older in order to experience the

  • Alex Summerss: A Fictional Narrative

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    It’s hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but it’s harder to give up when you know it’s everything you want. You never know waiting could be very painful until you wait for him. You never know that everything you did together earlier in the day was the last thing you will ever did with him. This silly joke coming from his mouth is the last joke you will ever heard for him, your laughter is the last thing he will ever heard from you. Maybe fate is playing a joke on you

  • In The Heights: Abuela Claudia And Nina Scenario

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    One character from the movie In the Heights who is in a different life development period than another character is Abuela Claudia and Nina Rosario. Abuela Claudia is in the later stages of adulthood, while Nina Rosario is in early adulthood. To be specific, Abuela Claudia is in the stage of late adulthood, which is typically characterized as beginning at age 65 and continuing until death. This stage is often associated with retirement, reflection on one's life, and physical decline. So, indeed,

  • Use Of Metaphors In Sweetest Of The Sun To Me

    358 Words  | 2 Pages

    If you want to live find someone that finds happiness in you. In the song¨Sun to me,¨ Zach Bryan expresses his love for his girlfriend and sings how much he loves her. In the song, Zach Bryan shows how much he loves his girlfriend and he doesn't want to lose her and he talks about how much happiness he gets from her. His mom wants him to go find someone that makes him happy and he did. In ¨Sun to me,¨ Zach Bryan uses metaphors, and repetition to show how much he loves his girl. Sometimes all one

  • Catcher In The Rye Reflection Essay

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    The Cather in the Rye This essay will be a psychoanalytical reflection based upon the protagonist in the book The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield. I have chosen to reflect upon the psychological state Holden is in the majority of the story, and why he finds himself in such a state/that state. The book “The Catcher in the Rye” is almost entirely based on the difficulties 17-year-old Holden faces in his modern civilisation, which he frequently meets with a cynical filter latched onto his eyes

  • Your Shoes Short Story

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    Your shoes Your shoes Is a short story by Michele Roberts about a mother writing a letter to her daughter who has left home and how she reflects on her own life, past and family Michele Roberts as a writer interested in women´s rights and how they were treated before. In an interview for the BBC, she says: "The way that women were treated in the religion I grew up in, which was Catholicism, made me a writer - because women were seen as the source of evil in the world, the source of sin. We led

  • Creative Writing: Dragon-Personal Narrative

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    It was getting late, and Zoran still hadn’t returned. I had been wandering through the halls for nearly an hour, occasionally going back to the room, but I still hadn’t found him. After checking all the places I knew, I tried a different route. I found some stairs that took me to the lower levels of the palace. A female voice sounded up ahead. Creeping closer, I saw pools of water with steam rising from the surface. Ashleen was straddling Aedus off by the far wall. I felt my cheeks heat up and quickly

  • The Passionate Shepherd

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    In the first poem in the unit, The Passionate Shepherd to his Love composed by Christopher Marlowe explains how nature can bring love to unity and can essentially make love blossom into something beautiful to his love, the Nymph. Marlowe states in Stanza one “Come love with me and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove That valleys, groves, hills and fields, Woods or steepy mountains yields.” In stanza one Marlowe is essentially explaining how the valleys, groves, hills and fields will

  • The Great Depression In Tillie Olsen's I Stand Here Ironing

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    In the short story, I Stand Here Ironing, by Tillie Olsen. Took place in “Pre-relief, pre-WPA world depression,” also known as the great depression and the second world war.The Great depression era was important to this story because emily was born during this era, and the second world war is important because this where emily stepfather went off to first. The point of view of this story is the third-person omniscient because the story only uses the narrator's thoughts or known as in the story Emily's

  • Jimmy Johns Essay

    646 Words  | 3 Pages

    Nick Kousky 1/12/2017 The History of Jimmy Johns In 1983, history was made. The date, January 13, 1983 was a special time for all sandwich lovers around the globe. This date holds the place of the opening of the first ever Jimmy Johns. The legend himself Jimmy John Liautaud opened his first store in Charleston, IL right after being the second to last graduating from high school with his class. Liautaud was given a $25,000 loan from his from his father to start a business after realizing college

  • Scars In Homegoing Memoir

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    Scars are something that many people are familiar with. Whether it is a physical scar or a mental scar, both significantly impact the lives of those with them. In the novel Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi scars are mentioned often and are one of the central motifs throughout the novel. Through the motif of scars, Gysai conveys the message that scars cause demeaning assumptions to be made about people who have them. Additionally, Gysai shares that scars can lead to people becoming ashamed about their scars

  • The Half-Skinned Steer Short Story

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    The short story, “The Half-Skinned Steer” by E. Annie Proulx, is written in a very unique fashion. It begins with the story of Mero in old age returning to his family ranch, but sidetracks by telling the story of Mero’s youth, and of the old man’s girlfriend. While these stories may seem unnecessary, they are crucial in understanding the death of Mero, and the lessons behind his mistakes. The story of Tin Head closely mirrors that of Mero, because it shows the resemblance in their destiny. They deal

  • Symbolism In Tillie Olsen's I Stand Here Ironing

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    countless works of literature that discuss and analyze the topic thoroughly. I Stand Here Ironing is a short story, by Tillie Olsen, that beautifully displays the perspective of the working single mother in the mid-nineteen hundreds. Olsen’s strategic use of several literary elements highlight the personal struggles of single mothers who have conflicting feelings about motherly duties and “bread-winning” obligations. These literary elements include: point of view, first-person narrator, stream of consciousness

  • Great Expectations Estella Havisham Quotes

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    “You must know that I have no heart. Oh! I have a heart to be stabbed in or shot in, I have no doubt and, of course, and if it ceased to beat I should cease to be. But you know what I mean. I have no softness there. No sympathy, sentiment, nonsense. I am serious; I have no bestowed my tenderness anywhere. I have never had any of such things.”- Estella Havisham. The girl who had won Philip Pirrip’s heart; the insulting girl who had treated Philip Pirrip badly; the girl who was taught to torment men

  • Symbolism In The Scarlet Ibis

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    The symbols that are in this story tell a story themselves and will help it build towards that big picture. The first symbol that is at most one of the more important ones in the story The Scarlet Ibis! Though The Scarlet Ibis is actually dying, it is the family that encounters it in the final moment of the story, as it is clearly a strong symbol for the character named Doodle. As like Doodle is a strength has seemed to have left it, and through tough times it has fought through things such as a