Conscience Essays

  • Fear Of Nonexistent In Serial Killers

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    Imagine being free of the mental chain known as a conscience. Unpleasant feelings such as guilt or regret would no longer be felt, theoretically sounding preferable. In actuality though, a conscience is what makes us truly human, and without it we would not have any compassion or empathy for others. This is why people without a conscience, also recognized by the name of psychopaths, are such a threat to society; they care exclusively for themselves and will not hesitate to harm someone, especially

  • Personal Narrative: My Life Of A Fish

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    have changed considerably since that day, I still retain a powerful conscience which actively molds my personality. One cannot dispute the frightening potential of the human race to induce the permanent extinction of every life form on the planet. As the ability to change the world on a global scale is arguably limited to one breed of life, so, too, is the force which impedes instinctual and conscious action, the human conscience. My own sense of strong moral principle reaches far beyond simply averting

  • Crime And Punishment In Pride And Prejudice Analysis

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    her treatment of the Bennet sisters throughout the plot of Pride and Prejudice. However, the nature of each character’s cruel actions remain remarkably different. Raskolnikov seeks to transcend the ethical conventions binding society and act as a conscience-free moral agent, whereas Caroline Bingley’s behavior is very much a product of institutionalized classism, and she acts wholly within the parameters which Victorian England’s strict

  • Examples Of Guilt In Macbeth

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    “Conscience betrays guilt” is a Latin Proverb that relates well with the story Macbeth by William Shakespeare. With its meaning being that your very conscience will never let you get over your guilt, it connects to the main character Macbeth, and his wife Lady Macbeth; who in their triumph for power never seem to get over their initial guilt, which results in them both going insane. Shakespeare’s intention in writing this play was to show how the natural order of things should be followed, and that

  • Choices In Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner

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    consideration of the effect they will have on others can at times define your true intentions and loyalty as a person. Being brave enough to admit fault and staying true to one’s self and your beliefs and morals is key feeling peace of mind. Clearing your conscience from all mistakes, and being accountable for them in order to feel fulfillment and goodness is part of being human as is erring in judgments. Allowing yourself to be honest with yourself and

  • Scarlet Letter Arthur Dimmesdale Weak

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    Many people are said to be weak individuals, because of how they choose to live their lives. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, Arthur Dimmesdale is being characterized as a very weak individual who can only make bad decisions that cause him guilt and stress. Dimmesdale denies being the father of Pearl, and having an affair with Hester. Guilt begins to take over his life, and to make himself feel better about hester taking all the punishment, he harms himself. A man named Chillingworth

  • Scarlet Letter: Dimmesdale's Identity

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    GRADE Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides. – André Malraux. Everyone agrees that Dimmesdale deserved to be punished for his actions. However some believe that Hester should have revealed his identity, while other believe that she should not have. Personally I believe that Hester should have revealed who was the father of Pearl for three reasons: Dimmesdale deserved punishment, the pressing people, and Dimmesdale's guilt. The first reason why Hester should have revealed Dimmesdale's

  • Jessie Monologue

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    How is this not a son 's disregard, betrayal, and contempt? Do you truly think so much of yourself and so little of us to have such an arrogant voice? Have you no shame? Has your conscience become deaf? Your conscience is your compass. Have you lost your moral intuition? If, indeed, your wife took her father-in-law 's loan terms disagreeably, and had the reaction with no thought of respect or regard for her father-in-law, or you, then why would

  • Morality In Oscar Wilde's The Picture Of Dorian Gray

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    Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray depicts the depraved and patriarchal society of the nineteenth century England, but also the narcissistic, Faustian and hedonistic moral views that Dorian Gray, the eponymous character, goes throughout the novel. This essay seeks to demonstrate that various views on morality are present and paramount to the integrity of the narration that is The Picture of Dorian Gray. Wilde’s novel encapsulates the dysfunctional and perilous life that a young man begins

  • The Tell Tale Heart Symbolism Analysis

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    Criminals have a propensity to believe that they will never be caught for their actions but that is certainly an understatement; guilt sitting in your brain for hours on end is like a bomb waiting to explode. This feeling is undoubtedly a driving factor that causes many criminals to confess to their wrongdoings. This is present in the mystery short story titled, “A Tell - Tale Heart” written by Edgar Allan Poe. The story is told from a killers perspective, and throughout the entire story a murder

  • The New Boundless Ambition In Macbeth

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    Introduction Macbeth is considered to be Shakespeare’s one of the most outstanding tragedies. Scholars widely agree that Macbeth was written around the year 1606 and to support the idea ‘the strongest indication that Macbeth was composed in the summer of 1606 concerns its allusion to a ship named the “Tiger” which has sailed to the near east en route to Aleppo, an ancient trading city in Syria’(Feldman, 2011: 213). Shakespeare’s main source to write Macbeth was Chronicles of England, Scotland

  • Carroll's Poem 'Jabberwocky'

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    "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll is a pretense poem with an abundant amount of fantasy imagery and heroism. Carroll, who is known for these dramatic poems, is well known for this poem. Much the same as most sagas with a focal character, "Jabberwocky" is basically titled after the most critical thing in the ballad – the goliath beast. The title of this ballad drives the reader to figure out that the beast is the focal power of the sonnet. It moves our regard for the beast, and far from our mysterious

  • Conflict In The Interlopers

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    In this excerpt from "The Interlopers," the two characters are Ulrich von Gradwitz and Georg Znaeym. These two are sworn enemies, though the author, Saki, does not directly state why they despise each other. One night, they crossed paths in a dark forest, each on a quest to find and murder the other. They both carried rifles, but before they could inflict bodily harm on the other person, a storm caused a beech tree to collapse and hold the helpless men to the ground. They were bloody, weak, and hurt

  • Guilt In Dimmesdale's The Scarlet Letter

    404 Words  | 2 Pages

    One moral consequence of sin is guilt. In Dimmesdale's case his sin was a great one. He had committed adultery with a married women, Hester. Hester received her punishment, but Dimmesdale goes unpunished, causing him to be ridden with guilt. Guilt was the culprit of all of Dimmesdale’s suffering. Guilt lead Dimmesdale to whip himself, starve himself, and possibly carve the scarlet letter into himself. His health depletes rapidly after Hester is publically shamed but he is allowed to continue his

  • What Is The Central Idea Of Steve Earle A Death In Texas

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    In Steve Earle’s essay, “A Death in Texas”, Earle gives descriptions of his and Nobles interactions and how he behaved during the days that lead up to his execution on October 7th, 1998. The essay gives a glimpse of Nobles through Earle’s eyes, depicting him as a sorrowful man who confessed to his murders and was working to atone for his sins. Earle’s wrote about how he changed his behavior by getting clean and finding God, as well as earning the respect of the inmates and guards along the way. Reading

  • Characters: To Blame For The Downfall In Shakespeare's Macbeth

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    The night that Duncan is killed, a magnificent change in his mentality was evoked, making it easier for him to conduct ill actions. Macbeth grasps the sudden ulterior power to become the king, and his emotions overthrows his conscience. In Macbeth’s soliloquy in Act 2, he begins to hallucinate, “is this dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand?” (14). Despite Duncan not being dead, he gets ahead of himself and begins to panic, elucidating the focal point of the

  • Fear In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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    A psychologist named Stanley Milgram carried out an experiment focusing on the conflict between obedience and personal conscience. Three people were involved in this experiment: a teacher, a learner and an experimenter. The learner and experimenter were actors so that it was rigged for the participant to be the teacher. In this experiment, the learner has a list of paired

  • Psychopaths On Bullshit

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    bullshit. Psychopaths have no detection clues as they feel no empathy towards others and may even take some sort of satisfaction from bullshit. In the end the traits that create psychopaths such as impulsivity, fearlessness, lack of empathy, lack of conscience, and aggression lend themselves very well to the god of

  • Minister's Black Veil Theme

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    having Mr. Hooper wear the black veil it demonstrates that he is feeling guilty about something he did. Additionally, throughout this romantic story, there are numerous areas where Mr. Hooper can be found feeling guilty. For example, "Mr. Hooper's conscience tortured him for some great crime too horrible to be entirely concealed..." (Hawthrone 13). As it is shown Mr. Hooper began feeling terrible for the sin he made thus he felt guilt as well. Another theme is loneliness. A reason why this can be taken

  • Suffering In The Scarlet Letter By Arthur Dimmesdale

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    off the kisses he gives her. Arthur Dimmesdale has the most tribulations without a doubt. He is faced to live with and tormented by not only his overwhelming guilt of sin, but moreover Roger Chillingworth who plagued him almost as much as his own conscience. “ He fancied himself given over a fiend, to be tortured with dreams and frightful thoughts, the sting of remorse and the despair of pardon.”(168) To make his suffering even worse he reverts to self-punishment in the form of fasting, consecutive