Deontological ethics Essays

  • Kantianism And Deontological Ethics

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    I will explore the basics of Kantianism and discuss the outcome of the non-rational beings in the kingdom of ends. Immanuel Kant is one of the great enlightenment philosophers who focuses on deontological ethics; Deon being Greek for “duty” and Kantianism being the popular branch of deontological ethics. Kantianism is making ethical choices based

  • Utilitarianism Vs Deontological Ethics

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    I will consider this topic through the lens of two types of ethics which are utilitarianism which was practised by Bentham and Deontological ethics which had practitioners in the form Immanuel Kant. Bentham’s version of utilitarianism the highest principle of morality whether personal or political morality is to maximise the general welfare or collective happiness. The overall balance of pleasure over pain, it bases itself on achieving maximum utility. The reasoning to validate this point is that

  • The Pros And Cons Of Deontological Ethics

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    creation. Deontological ethics is a philosophical theory which dissects acts into right and wrong on the basis of the adherence of an act to a specific rule. One of the many formulations of deontology is Kantianism, a view introduced by Immanuel Kant, which argues that the basis for morality are motives for one’s action rather than the consequences of it and searches a justification for one’s duty to behave in a certain manner. One of the critiques or counter positions of Kant’s ethics is Sartrean

  • Deontological Ethics And Homosexuality

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    CHRISTIAN ETHICAL ISSUES ON HOMOSEXUALITY AND CHURCH LEADERSHIP With this backdrop, we will now address the ethical question using deontological, teleological and virtue ethics. Deontological Ethics and Homosexuality and Church Leadership According to Wells “ethics that focuses on right action is most commonly known as deontological ethics.” This approach is concerned with questions regarding what is right. In this model one has the duty to uphold moral laws and imperatives. The question we will

  • Deontological And Virtue Ethics Case Study

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    1. Deontological and Virtue ethics Looking at Tesco’s Horse meat scandal, an important ethical factor that Tesco fell short on was the deontological and virtue ethics. For Tesco, it would be a great difference if they had implement it. Deontological ethics is defined as the normative ethical position that judges morality based on action following a rule. To make it simple, it means having a sense of duty to the public. With this, it would made Tesco’s customers to be receiving the highest quality

  • Non Deontological Ethics In Policing

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    generally accepted as professional standards in policing. According to the Encarta electronic dictionary, ethics can be explained as the study of proper standards and how they affect a system of moral values governing the suitable conduct for a person or group. To further understand the concept of ethics, ethics can be divided into two perspectives or theories, commonly known as deontological (non-consequentialism) and teleological (consequentialism). These two perspectives are important for a police

  • Deontological Ethics: The Ethical Ethics Of Assisted Suicide

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    analyzed and the underlying guidelines of moral ethics must be investigated. Even though assisted suicide was not discussed throughout the sixteen to eighteen hundreds, ethical philosophers investigated the roots of human morals in an attempt to create an overarching rule that would help determine if “death with dignity” is morally justified. One such philosopher is Immanuel Kant, who in his Metaphysics of Morals, argues his belief in deontological ethics. Kant believes that “good actions” are those

  • Difference Between Rule Utilitarianism And Deontological Ethics

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    considered 'morally good ' because of some characteristic of the action itself, not because the result of the action is good. Expressions such as "virtue is its own reward" and Duty for duty 's sake" are used to attest to the believe that in deontological ethics, some acts are morally obligatory regardless of their consequences for human welfare. Since utilitarian 's believe that all actions must seek to produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people, this would still apply even if that

  • Ethical Theories Of Ethics: Utilitarian And Deontological Approaches

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    as to how situations are evaluated. These theories look at the consequences of the actions, what the agent’s intentions are, and whether the individual is being used as a means to end (May, 2014). Two of the founding theories of ethics are the utilitarian and deontological approaches which are demonstrated through the trolley scenario. While the best option would be to divert to a track with no one tied to it, a utilitarian would pull the switch to lead the trolley down the track to where there was

  • Deontological Ethics In The Film Patterns By Rod Serling

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    central tenets of virtue ethics, as argued by Aristotle, say that virtues are character traits that allow individuals to live a good and fulfilling life. However, as the film progresses, we see a shift in the ethics of Staples as he becomes more entrenched in the cutthroat corporate world, moving away from Aristotle's virtue ethics and focusing more on his own personal gain at the expense of others. On the other hand, Briggs is guided by the principles of deontological ethics, which emphasizes the importance

  • Business Ethics Case Study: Deontological Perspective

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    However, if Frank decides to do what the CEO asks and let those employees go, then he would have a negative impact on the employees and their families. Deontological Perspective. This perspective deals with decisions from a moral perspective. If Frank were a deontologist, he would make the decision of whether to go along with the CEO, based on his moral code. He would need to weigh both sides of the issue. Does his loyalty to the company, CEO and his family outweigh the process of doing the full

  • The Importance Of Kant's Deontological Ethics

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    should not perform a prohibited action even though it could bring uncountable benefits to society (Kant’s Deontological ethics). Deontology is the opposite of consequentialism. Deontology only focuses on an action that is right or wrong without regarding the consequences On the other hand, consequentialism consists on having the most positive outcome on every situation. (“Deontological Ethics”). The patient and doctor relationship should be based around trust and honesty. Every patient should tell

  • Deontological Vs Teleological Ethics

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    decision. According to Frankena (1973) in the teleological ethics, it is considered to be acceptable only if the “good” outcome of a particular act has overweighed the “evil”, but if it failed to do so, then this act judged to be unacceptable. The “duty-based” deontological perspective puts emphasis only on the action rather than the outcome. This theory has absolute rules and obligations. I believe that the “consequentialist” view of ethics is more appropriate for my industry. Marketing is based upon

  • Deontological Ethics In Hurricane Katrina

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    While applying the principles of deontological ethics in general and reason based ethics in particular, all actions contain moral value, regardless of the actual nature of the actions. The New Orleans levee network was still a manifestation of good intention, according to deontological ethics. Even if the levees failed to protect the city from flood, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers need to work harder in order

  • Deontological Theory Of Ethics In Sports

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    his decision (the team winning) than what was in the best interest of the player (his duty as a physician). He was clearly in the wrong and in my opinion, he made an unethical decision. According to the International Federation of Sports Medicine ethics code, the team physician has the “responsibility […] to determine whether the injured athletes should continue training or participate in competition”. This is a fairly vague statement that can be interpreted in a few different ways. First, to whom

  • Kant's Categorical Imperative

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    The categorical imperative is a central concept of the Kantian ethic according to Kant, all the morality of the human being must be able to be reduced to a single fundamental commandment, born of reason, not of divine authority, from which all the others can be deduced Human obligations. He defined the concept of categorical imperative as any proposition that declares action (or inaction) as necessary. In his opinion, the previous moral maxims were based on hypothetical imperatives, so they were

  • Comparing Kant's Theory And Analysis

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    Kant believed that certain types of actions which including murder, theft, and lying were bad and should be forbidden, even in cases where the action would bring more happiness than the alternative. Kant’s theory is a deontological moral theory–according to these theories, the rightness or wrongness of actions does not depend on their consequences but on whether they fulfill our duty/ purpose. Synthetic and Analytic Analytic are statements are statements which are true by definition, the predicate

  • Immanuel Kant's Argumentative Essay

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    human reason. According to Kant, reason tells us what we ought to do, and when we obey our own reason, only then are we truly free.” (Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals Page 1) Kant’s views would most be considered to be identified as deontological ethics. The true meaning is “falls within the domain of moral theories that guide and assess our choices of what

  • The Peaceful End Of Life Theory

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    The Peaceful End of Life theory is paramount as the authors stated that every individual deserved to die in a peaceful manner with dignity. The theory is empirical based which is applicable to nursing practice in caring for dying patients, assessing interventions, maximizing care, promote dignity and enhancing end of life to be peaceful. According to Moore and Ruland, a good life is simply defined as getting what one wants (Alligood, 2014, p. 702). The approach of given patients what they want or

  • Nature Of Crime Analysis

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    The statement “Given the nature of Capitalist Societies, crime is rational” reflects a truth because capitalism itself is a crime. It leads to a society where people become violent and greedy, forgetting about morality, only because more money can be made this way. In a capitalist society, crime is generated by inequality because some people earn more money than others and everyone is looking to earn more and more money. Crime can be defined as an action or behaviour that violates the formal written