• Shakespeare Sonnet 87 Analysis

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    An Exegesis of Shakespeare Sonnet 87 In his plays and poems, the Bard fails not to explore all aspects of love – including rejection. Sonnet 87 is a testimony of breaking up, not because of relationship issues, not due to external forces (such as an affair), but because on some social scale in the poet’s eye, the woman is higher up. Yet the sonnet is deliberately ambiguous. As is characteristic of Shakespeare’s writing, a close reading reveals that we can’t tell if he is talking about a too-expensive

  • Oratory Speech: Being Optimistic

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    Oratory Speech: Being Optimistic From the beginning of our lives, all of us have experienced some form of embarrassment. And for me, I tend to drop a lot of things. A while back, I was at a party with a lot of people I knew. My parents, my friends, and their parents were all there. I had two slices of pizza on my plate. They were the last slices of pizza, and I was getting them for my friend. While I was walking, I didn’t realize that my plate was slightly tilted, and soon one of my slices fell

  • Ender's Friendship Quotes

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    In the beginning of the chapter, two unknown characters are discussing Ender’s future. “He’s too malleable. Too willing to submerge himself in someone else’s will.” “Not if the other person is his enemy.” “So what do we do? Surround him with enemies all the time?” (Card, page 1) This is important because it foreshadows Ender’s future and the rest of the book. It shows that Ender is going to have a difficult life. Another compelling quote is introduced after Ender knocks Stilson to the ground. “Ender

  • Eulogy For Son

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    Hey baby, I know I didn't get to do the long message yesterday, but here I am! I love you so much baby, from the farthest galaxy and back. You are the greatest thing to happen to me (From Matt as well)...You make my world go round, you make me stronger each and every day. I can be my self around you all the time, you treat me like I am perfect when we all know I am not. You treat me with utmost respect and great love. You always make it feel like you're with me, holding me close and never letting

  • La Conchita-Personal Narrative

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    There is an accident on the 405 so we take PCH. I look at the window, into the sea. I am looking for dolphins or whales, but I have never seen a whale from this road. Once, when we were driving to Summer Nationals, Dad offered me two-bucks if I saw a whale. We drive past La Conchita. La Conchita is a small town that was built at the bottom of a mountain. Last year a mud slide burried half-a-dozen houses. Eight people died, suffocated in mud and debris. You can still see the mountains of mud and the

  • Change In Erdrich's The Red Convertible

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    The growth of a person can take place through changes that occur within or around their lives. For example, in “The Red Convertible,” Erdrich’s character Lyman is a prime example of growing through change. The change from carefree to serious is triggered through his experience of assisting his brother, Henry’s, psychological transformation after returning from the Vietnam War as a Prisoner of War. Lyman exemplified growth through his attempt to learn how to react to/help his brother. Prior to Henry

  • Narrative Essay About The Ghost Boy

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    Once I started reading the Ghost Boy, I couldn’t stop. Not only because it was related somehow to something I have seen but because it was interesting and a deeply moving story. The one thing that surprised me the most was how a healthy 12-year-old boy that stated with a sore throat got so sick to the point of not being able to move. As easy as it sounds, it amazes me how incredible the human body is but at the same time how vulnerable it can be. We are undoubtedly responsible for keeping our body

  • Nala's New Friend Short Story

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    Nala’s New Friend This is a story of an imaginative kitten, Nala, who jumps over canyons, dodges boulders and tries to hunts down monstrous beasts everyday. Her world is absolutely perfect in her mind until Reuben the dog arrives. Nala was only 1 month old when her family found her in a box with her brothers and sisters on the corner of Sycamore and Studebaker Drive. She was taken by the family being the absolute cutest of the group while her siblings were taken to a nearby animal shelter.

  • The Vacuum Poem Analysis

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    The Vacuum is a poem about the emptiness of an old man after her wife died. Nemerov started by presenting the environment in which the old man lived in. He also pointed out that the vacuum cleaner was in a corner, seemingly “grinning” (4) at him. He then stated that after his old wife has passed away, she seemed to be inside the vacuum cleaner (8, 9), cleaning up the house whenever the old man used it. The poet further expressed his feeling of loneness by recalling his days with his wife, where she

  • Russell's POV: A Short Story

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    HARRY’S POV It’s no wonder Russell hasn’t been found, considering I took his cold, limp body and threw it over Rose Lake’s bridge, above a lake notable for it’s various visits by suicidal individuals. If I do say so myself, I did a fairly good job. Russell was a nobody, there isn’t a single person that cares about him. Though, if his body is found, I’m sure his death will be automatically ruled as a suicide. A drunken, middle aged man who had kidnapped his daughter seems like a likely candidate

  • Transformation In Much Ado About Nothing

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    Much Ado About Nothing is a play written by William Shakespeare which set in Renaissance, Italy, in the city of Messina. It is generally considered as one of his best comedies, in a combination various themes including those of honor, deception, love and politics. Previously in the play, Don John along with Burachio had succeeded in deceiving Claudio and Don Pedro about Hero’s disloyalty. After this, the scene is shown in Hero’s bedroom where she is getting ready for her wedding day with help of

  • Mephastophilis Influence On Dr Faustus

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    Faustus’ Inferno; Mephastophilis’ Influence on Faustus and his Damnation Measuring power and authority solely through titles like ‘master’ and ‘slave’ can be troublesome and superficial. In the play The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe, the character Dr. John Faustus sells his soul to the devil in return for the conditions he specified in a contract. One of these conditions is that the demon Mephastophilis will be his servant. Therefore, it could be argued that Faustus is

  • Louise Betrayal Case Study

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    Betrayal 1.1 - Hurt 1.2 - Trust 1.3 – Forgiveness Betrayal Betrayal has been one of the most prevalent influencing experiences in Louise friendship, not only has it affected her emotionally yet, has also had a large negative affect on her psychologically. Nevertheless, she has learnt to become more understanding and sympathetic to others. 1.1-“”. On reviewing the transcript it is clear to see that Louise is very “hurt” by the bedrayal of her friend. Louise has been best friends with her friend

  • Steve Cutts Happiness Short Film Analysis

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    In our society today, every individual’s ideas can be exchanged in various creative forms. The short film medium, being a form of social commentary, is a pertinent driving force behind shifts in personal values. Thus short films as a textual form have great value and impact to society due to their versatile delivery. Steve Cutts’ Happiness (2017) is a satirical film whose fast-paced nature prioritises meaning over matter to critique the constant pursuit of happiness in misplaced interests. Erez Tadmor

  • My Life As An Immigrant

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    My life has constantly been changing since I was two years old just because of three words. “I’m being deployed.” These words are life altering and being told that phrase as many times as I did growing up, I knew the familiar waves of emotion all too well. I could recognize the words before they even formed out of my dad’s mouth. Being able to understand that a deployment isn’t just a short trip overseas, its months, maybe more than a year of being away from home. That concept was so hard for me

  • Poem Analysis Of 'The Tiger's Wife'

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    ‘The Tiger’s Wife’ By TÉA OBREHT 1: The Coast The forty days of the soul begin on the morning after death. That first night, before its forty days begin, the soul lies still against sweated-on pillows and watches the living fold the hands and close the eyes, choke the room with smoke and silence to keep the new soul from the doors and the windows and the cracks in the floor so that it does not run out of the house like a river. The living know that, at daybreak, the soul will leave them and make

  • Personal Narrative: My 16th Birthday Party

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    Jenny could not hold her excitement. It was almost her 16th birthday and she was so anxious to see what her friends had planned for her. For the past week, Jenny had been implying that she wanted a birthday party thrown for her, She knew her friends would not disappoint her. It was finally the day Jenny had been waiting for. She woke up with a huge smile on her face ready to start the day. Jenny did her hair, her makeup, and put on a cute outfit that she had planned for the day. Jenny headed downstairs

  • Marxist Feminism In Fairy Tales

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    In this section the facts and information will be displayed as a result of the research that has been conducted, and conferred in the methodology, so as to be able to understand the discussion and analysis in the next segment. 6.1 Feminism and Fairytales How different branches of feminism can be applied to fairytales vary greatly. To keep this essay focused on sexuality and gender. Marxist feminism explains that the oppression of women as a result of economical control through capitalism, with a

  • Midnight Star Love Theme

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    “Explain an Idea or Theme Found in This Novel.” Midnight Star by Marie is was an absolutely beautiful conclusion to her The Young Elites trilogy. In the end of this novel, Adelina, the main character ends up trades her own life for her sister’s, and to compensate for all the hurt she caused in her world. In the end, Violetta, Adelina’s sister makes a deal with Compasia, the angel of empathy to make Adelina into a constellation. I believe that the theme of this novel is that love is the greatest

  • Fifth Chinese Daughter Analysis

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    Critical Personal Analysis of “Fifth Chinese Daughter” As I began to read “Fifth Chinese Daughter” by Jade Snow Wong, I quickly developed a special appreciation for Jade Snow’s relationship with her father because although there are differences, it mirrors the relationship I have with my own. In fact, there were many gifts Mr. Wong gave Jade Snow that were nearly identical to some my father has given me. Mr. Wong may have his faults, but his sweet and silent acts of love allows me to see past them