Pantyhose Essays

  • Hair In The Sixties

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    yet either. Hair wasn't the only thing setting the trend, accessories were too. From head to toe, accessories helped create the identity of 1960s fashion. A few examples of popular accessories include handbags, go-go boots, sandals, stockings/pantyhose, and hippie accessories. Handbags began to have more styles in the ‘60s instead of just leather. They were beginning to be made in straw or wicker, patent leather, and velvet. Decorations such as flowers, shells, and fake jewels were added to give

  • Deep Sea Diver Poem Analysis

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    In “Deep Sea Diver”, Jennings considers the existential problem of making a choice. The metaphor she uses are those of the sea which releases the deep sea diver from responsibility for action, and the island, “The freedom of the air”, where the diver has to accept responsibility for his actions when he makes choices. The diver therefore, feels “strange above water” because in kind sea he is free while, “Islands begin/Insisting upon choice and he is full/of loss, uneasy wondering what to love” (20)

  • The Song Tra Bong Figurative Language

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    1 In “Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong,” the protagonist is Fossie’s GIrlfriend, Mary Anne, who comes to the medical base in Vietnam to stay with Fossie. She comes very new and shiny and girly but then becomes dark and manly and obsessed with the war. Figurative Language - In the beginning when Mary Anne first arrives, Rat describes her as, “ She had long white legs and blue eyes and complexion like strawberry ice cream.” This is an example of imagery. It helps us get an idea of what she looks

  • Pantyhose Persuasive Speech

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    You do not have to throw out old crayons. The old, broken crayons can be recycled into new ones. Therefore, you can recycle crayons while you are recycling plastic and aluminum. Pantyhose Pantyhose are disposable, but you do not have to throw them away. They often end up in landfills. Keep in mind that it can take pantyhose 30 to 40 years to decompose. That is why it is best for you to recycle them. Greeting Cards Your home may be filled with greeting cards. However, you should not throw them out

  • Essay On Egg Drop

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    Egg Drop Project The egg drop is a classic science experiment, but it can still be pretty intimidating if you 've never successfully completed it. To drop an egg without breaking it, you need to find a way to minimize the force of the impact and its effects on the delicate eggshell. The best ways to do this are to cushion the egg while also changing the way it drops and the way it lands. You can also soak the egg in vinegar to soften the shell so that it can absorb more of an impact. 1 - Use cereal

  • How Does Mitchell Sanders Characterize Henry Dobbin

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    Perhaps the opposite of Mitchell Sanders, Henry Dobbins is a straightforward character at first glance; O’Brien instantly characterizes him as a big man who likes to eat. O’Brien comments that Dobbins is a machine gunner strictly for his weight, which implies that Dobbins was big before coming to Vietnam. However, there is a possibility that Dobbins maintains his weight for a strategic reason. He isn’t able to fit in the underground tunnels and is therefore exempted from even the draw for the mission

  • On The River Of Rain Quote Analysis

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    This quote from “ On the River of Raining.” This quote is written by Tim O’Brien. He was describing that how he make his decisions to go on war. Even Though he wants to escape from it. This quote is very important because these is when O'Brien make his final decisions to go a war. He had been trying to escape from the war. He tried to run a way from United State of to Canada. Finally , he was made his decision, and saying that he would go to a war , he will kill and die because it was embrasse. He

  • Characters In The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien

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    Dobbins, Jimmy Cross, and Kiowa. Henry Dobbins is described as being a large bodied man and that is why he is company’s machine gunner. In addition to carrying his machine gun along with the ammo strapped across his chest, he wears his girlfriend’s pantyhose around his neck. “In August, he tripped a Bouncing Betty, which failed to detonate. And a week later he got caught in the open during a fierce little firefight, no cover at all, but he

  • The Realization Of Women In The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien

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    Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried is a collection of war stories that demonstrates the negative aspects of war, and how the roles and fantasies created for women are far from reality. Although the main focus is on the men and their experiences, O’Brien also puts importance on the way that women move away from their traditional roles - women who are idealized and completely separate from the war and the soldiers’ circumstances and who will be ready to welcome their courageous lovers if they return

  • The Things They Carried Women Analysis

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    in the book, woman have a significant role in the men’s life. These Alpha men have various views on the women they consider a lucky charm, a distraction, and also an alleviation from the war. They carry letters, photographs, imagination, and even pantyhose to remind them of the women back at home. Firstly, one of the main important roles covered by women in this book is that of a good omen.The items the women sent to the soldiers, or anything related to them is believed to be lucky “Lieutenant

  • War I Would Go To War Quotes

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    “ I would go to war-I would kill and die- because I was embarrassed not to.” This quote is from “On the Rainy River” Tim wasn’t really fit for war and he knew that about himself. Tim struggles with the making the decision on if he should go to war or not. Tim even decides to run away for a few days just to really think about his decision. In the long run, Tim decides to face his fear and go to war simply because he doesn’t want to be frowned upon from close friends or family members. This quote is

  • Tim O 'Brien's The Things They Carry'

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    meaning much deeper than most would choose to believe. The soldiers carry much more than physical objects, and these things they carry affect them in many different ways and levels. One of the more obvious things they carry, are physical objects. From pantyhose to pictures, all the way to M16’s, the things the men carry, in this book, vary greatly. When it came to actual military equipment, they had a great deal of

  • Stockings In Tim O Brien's The Things They Carried

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    this book is in the chapter “stockings”. Within this chapter they talk about how Henry Dobbins would always do something weird before they went anywhere. Dobbins would take his girlfriend's pantyhose and wrap it around his neck. He would do this for a few different reasons. His first reason is that, “The pantyhose, he said, had the properties of a good-luck charm,”(115 Stockings). He also stated that, “he believed firmly and absolutely in the protective power of the stockings,” (116 Stockings). Both

  • Write An Essay On Henry Dobbins

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    If you were going on ambush would you wrap your girlfriend's stocking around your head?The pantyhose belonged to Henry Dobbin girlfriend. The pantyhose would remind him of his girlfriend and let him think of a place he might take her someday. The stocking held the “magic” of protection and good luck, everyone believed the magic protected him of harm. The Stockings protected Henry Dobbins. Henry liked the memories and sleeping with the stocking for safety. The book states “He liked putting his nose

  • Minor Characters In The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien

    620 Words  | 3 Pages

    “The Things They Carried” is a short story created by Tim O’Brien. O’Brien tells, from the third person’s point of view, about soldiers and the items they carried during a war. He describes the weight of each object and gives clues or reason to why that soldier may tote them. One of the minor characters he introduces is a man named Henry Dobbins. In the text, O’Brien points out twice that Henry was a big man and show how it influenced few of the items he carried. Since he was a man of a larger stature

  • Roles Of Women In The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien

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    Jennifer Oduca ENGL 001A 6:40-8:00pm The Role of Women In The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien, there were hardly any major characters that were women. The men in the novel had various views about the women they love or hate. Women in the novel were often fantasized about, either from memory or with an imaginary future. While the women roles in the novel are minor, they hold an impact towards the men. In the novel, the role of women is used as an escape and a reminder of home. In the start

  • Symbolism In Tim O Brien's The Things They Carried

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    Symbolism in The Things They Carried Symbolism is used in The Things They Carried many times, often to represent qualities, emotions, or states of minds. Tim O’Brien, the author and narrator of the story, expresses symbolism through forms of love, terror, and religion, and shows how all three have consequences in the Vietnam War. Symbols are very powerful in this story, and O’Brien does a good job of keeping the interest of the reader throughout this compassionate, yet saddening story of a group

  • Love In The Things They Carried, By Tim O Brien

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    its stories. This can be seen in the dedication of Lieutenant Jimmy Cross to his crush Martha back in America; the way Tim O’Brien tries to make his war stories less graphic for his daughter so as not to scare her; and Henry Dobbins carrying the pantyhose of his girlfriend around his neck on missions. The

  • Irony In The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien

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    emotional and physical burden (O’Brien 83). The story shows characters with both emotional burdens, such as grief, terror, longing, and love. For instance, Henry Dobbins lifts his girlfriend Pantyhose and shows love and longing for her, as the author says, “the way Henry Dobbins carried his girlfriend's pantyhose around his neck like a comforter” (O’Brien 28). This is an indication of literary skills that clearly portray feelings of affection used to make the story lively. Also, considering the survivors

  • How Is The Theme Of Weight Presented In The Things They Carried

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    Haydon Klase Mrs. Kathy Kisner English III 12 May 2023 Mental Vs Physical in The Things They Carried In Tim O'Brien's novel "The Things They Carried," the weight that each character carries serves as the mental burdens of love and guilt that they bear. Through a series of interconnected short stories, O'Brien explores the thoughts of soldiers during the Vietnam War, highlighting the emotional and psychological toll that their experiences have on them. By using the physical weight of the items