Stanza Essays

  • What Is The Mood Of Stanzas By Emily Bronte

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    Emily Brontë’s Stanzas. is a poem that was written in the early 19th century, with her as the speaker, which makes use of various rhetorical choices to set a slow and heavy tone for the readers. On inspection you you will notice the theme which is closely related to the occasion, the passing of a close friend or lover, to the author, as they are the person being addressed as though this is a goodbye; the repeated use of similar sentences convey this. There are specific word choices as well as use

  • Stanza Two Annotation

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    Stanza one: He is thinking about his wife at midnight one night. He is almost asleep, but tapping wakes him. He is thinking it is someone at the door. He thinks he has a visitor. Stanza two: He remembers it was December. He wished it was tomorrow. His books had sad endings because of the loss of his wife. Her name was Lenore. Stanza three: Sadness of each purple curtain filled him with terror. He stood saying that some visitor was at the entrance of the door. Stanza four: He no longer hesitated

  • Rhetorical Devices In Dover Beach

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    there is bad and good times in life because in the first stanza the tone happy, the second stanza it is melancholy, the third stanza the tone remorse and the last stanza is sorrow. The first stanza’s tone is calm and happy. This stanza uses imagery to make you imagine looking out the window and feeling the breeze of wind. I believe the author wanted the reader to have imagine of someone or themselves in the window. For example,

  • When You Are Old Tone

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    make the attitude apparent. The poem is set up in three stanzas. The first stanza is the speaker telling the woman that when she "[is] old and grey and full of sleep,"(1) just read "this book" of her past. The second stanza moves on to talk about her past relationships. Halfway through the stanza, though, he indicates "one man" who loved her better than the rest. This is an indication of his loving

  • Poem Analysis: Nothing But Death By Pablo Neruda

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    about the looks of the Death and about how the death appears around the human. There are seven stanzas in this poem and the techniques appeared in the poem are Imagery, Simile, Metaphor, and Alliteration. The imagery is the techniques used all over the seven stanzas in this poem to describe the image of the Death the movement, and the sound which included Auditory, Visual, and Kinetic. The First stanza described the environment in the cemeteries, the heart refers to the dead bodies in the graves

  • Lenore Annotations

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    Stanza 1. In the first stanza, it states that it is a late, dark night yet the man is still awake. He begins to doze when he is awaken by a tap at the door. He calls out to them and asks who it may be but never got an answer. Stanza 2. Following stanza 1, the man states that this is occurring in December. He then describes how the fire is slowly decreasing and he is very much mourning the loss of Lenore. He also states that finishing the book he was reading brought him great sorrow. Stanza 3. The

  • Tone Of Dover Beach

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    Within the first stanza the speaker is already establishing a location, and image of the ocean at night, giving itself a particular tone; this is especially apparent in line 5 and 6 with the usage of the words "tranquil" (5) and "sweet" (6). Suddenly, there is a shift as if the writer is wanting us to pay close attention and break us out of the trance like state with "Listen!" (9). He now wants us to pay attention to the "grating" (9) roar which is not as relaxing. As the stanza comes to an end with

  • Summary Of Very Frankly By Mark Halliday

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    value compared to all the lasting memories in life. This is supported throughout the poem with quotes and tones. In the first stanza, it discusses the deaths having little meaning, the second stanza has a satisfied tone, and the fourth stanza is to the point. Throughout the poem it supports the idea of death having no meaning compared to their memories. Throughout the first stanza in the poem Quite Frankly, Halliday talked about their deaths having no meaning. This is shown in the 1st line when it says

  • Ghost Mary Oliver Analysis

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    expedition with Clark in America. This stanza gives us a time period, which allows us to find a connection with the previous stanza. The sparrow's nest is made up of buffalo hair which gives us the idea that every bit of a dead buffalo is used, whether it is by Native Americans or nature. This also shows that nothing can disappear because even though the buffalo are dead, their hair is recycled into nature and used for nests. I interpreted the last part of the stanza as the baby sparrows are excited to

  • It Could Have Been A Lonely Night And Ingrid De Kok's Women And Children

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    for accentuation which appear in the above mentioned poems. Displacement refers to when a word of phrase in the poetic text is not placed in its usual grammatical position, for example in Child this foregrounding technique is used in the last stanza. The stanza begins with the negative word not, to accentuate the change of tone in the woman 's emotion towards the child who are described in the poem. Deletion occurs when a word or phrase are deleted in a sentence as a technique of foregrounding, such

  • What Are The Similarities Between Claude Mckay And Countee Cullen

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    Similarity between Claude Mckay and Countee Cullen. After reading and listening to “If We Must Die” by Claude Mckay and “Heritage” by Countee Cullen, I noticed that both poets write in rhyme. Considering the first four verses of the poem, “If We Must Die” by Claude Mckay, it clearly shows that poet wrote them in rhyme. He expressed himself on how to die as a brave man and not has a coward, in his expression, he urged the reader not to die like “hogs” that is hunted and penned in an inglorious spot

  • Literary Analysis Of Blessing By Imtiaz Dharker

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    short and abrupt in the first two stanzas, get longer and more flowing in third stanza and then become shorter again in the fourth stanza. This is just like the feelings of the people in the slum. In the first stanza, the people are sluggish and lack energy. Then in the second stanza, their spirits were raised when water started dripping out. Then in the third stanza, there is full of excitement and energy when water gushed out of the pipe. Then in the last stanza, the excitement starts to die down

  • Analysis Of Not Bad Dad, Not Bad By Jan Heller Levi

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    sidestroke, your butterfly, your Australian crawl.” a change of tone occurs in these stanzas. The daughter begins to lose hope on her father. She wondered how things would be if she judged her father’s love differently. She wondered how things would be if her father loves her like his best swimming coming to recuse. Truly, she never saw her father trying his best coming to recuse her. From thirtieth stanza to sixteenth stanza, “But I always thought I was drowning in that icy ocean between us, I always

  • Different Characteristics Of Emily Dickinson And Walt Whitman

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    Firstly, he had no rhyme within his poems but only rhythm; He also broke the rules of the verses per stanzas constitution, giving a sense of chaos when observing some of his work fragments. One big and relevant annexation to these two significant artists, is the usage of different rhetorical devices, which are meant to seek for diverse reactions on the perception

  • Sara Teasdale's Spring In War-Time

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    on by World War I. Teasdale uses literary devices such as repetition, word choice, capitalization, and structure to convey this conflict. In Spring in War-Time, the natural occurrences that make up the world struggle to remain relevant. The first stanza presents the hope of spring in the distance, but in a war stricken world, it seems to be much further off than it actually is. The narrator is hopeful, saying, “I feel the spring far off, far off,” (1). The repetition of “far off” places extra emphasis

  • Robert Penn Warren True Love Analysis

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    connected, the vivid memories left of the girl still echo in his mind. Similarly, in the fifth stanza, he jumps from the first time he saw the girl to the first moment she smiled at him--a whole two years later. By composing the poem in this way, the author emphasizes the lack of time in the speaker's memory. The speaker thinks of her in one fluid thought as if it had all happened at once. In the first stanza, forms of the word "meaningless" repeat twice. Although referring to the ravings of his heart

  • Alliteration In Andrew Marvell's To His Coy Mistress

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    poem beautifully encompasses many literary devices such as assonance, hyperbole, allusions, alliteration, etc. It follows a rigid iambic tetrameter rhythm with rhythmic couplets. The poet presents and defends his three arguments in three different stanzas. He creates a utopia at the beginning which develops into the darker sides of mortality as the poem proceeds. Many images are bizarre and make the reader ponder upon the true essence of the poem. The similes and metaphors are often eccentric, incorporating

  • At Mornington Poem Analysis

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    when she is with her friend. There are many themes explored in this poem including memory, death and time passing. In the first stanza, Harwood tells about a memory that was told to her by someone else. It was a memory of her father taking her to the beach. The uncertain tone in the first half of the first stanza and the definite tone in the second half of the stanza emphasises the importance of the emotions she felt at the time of the event rather what happened. The imagery of the beach is portrayed

  • Friendship By Henry David Thoreau Essay

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    Friendship By henry david thoreau Friendship by henry david thoreau is a lyrical poem that was written in 1895 that is said to portray the essential role of love in every relationship and friendship alike. throughout this poem thoreau uses various poetic devices to emphasize the significance of love in friendships and relationships alike. Henry david thoreau was born july 12 of 1817 to john thoreau and cynthia dunbar. Thoreau studied Greek, Latin and German at Harvard college form 1833

  • Lee's Eating Alone By Daniel Moeser

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    the pattern Lee creates, how the speaker talks about his father, and how the speaker has accepted the loss. The tone of the poem is overall “grief and loneliness” in stanza one and two (Moeser 118). In stanza one, the speaker is talking about how they pulled the last of the onions and how dead the ground looks (Lee 206). Stanza two continues with the grim feeling when the speaker begins remembering a time with his father out walking by the pears (Lee 206).