Western Front Essays

  • All Quiet On The Western Front: An Analysis

    762 Words  | 4 Pages

    that sometimes no one could even imagine possible. War’s brutality overall can be extremely damaging to those who have served, with the loss of comrades and scaring deaths, potentially causing psychological damage. In the novel, All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, the group of men fighting and struggling for their country together overtime develop a special, strong bond with each other. When going through similar types of experiences, they are easily able to understand one another

  • All Quiet On The Western Front Theme Essay

    654 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Lost Generation is a very prevalent theme in the novel, All Quiet On the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque. The Lost Generation are soldiers who fought in World War One, as a result of the war, they become clueless of the rest of society. Most of the soldiers are around 18 years old, and the rate they mature is almost horrifying. They go from being 18-year-olds who may or may not have finished high school, to men who fought in a war that will forever change them. The lost generation is a

  • Paul Baumer's All Quiet On The Western Front

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    Point of View All Quiet on the Western Front is in Paul Baumer’s point of view. This book tells us the story of Paul on the battlefield during World War I. Paul explains his pain and terror throughout the book and his point of view makes us feel his pain and terror along with him. He talks about his view on war and how he thinks it is pointless. He says that only the state gains from war not the people in the state, referring to the soldiers and their families. Writing the book in Paul’s point of

  • All Quiet On The Western Front: A Character Analysis

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    to figure out. In All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, Paul Bäumer participates in the bloodiest war of all time, and he develops the skills of intelligence, leadership, and loyalty. In

  • A Brief Review Of All Quiet On The Western Front

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    War 1 also known as the Great War was the “war to end all wars.” Imagine being a soldier during World War I. All you hear are bombs going off in the distance, bullets being shot, and the smell of poisonous gas. In the movie “All Quiet on the Western Front,” which takes place in 1914 Germany during World War I, the protagonist and the narrator, Paul Bäumer just graduated from high school with his friends, who have all decided to enlist in the army after their teacher Kantorek persuaded them to join

  • All Quiet On The Western-Western Front Thesis

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    Erich Maria Remarque was a man who had lived through the terrors of war, serving since he was eighteen. His first-hand experience shines through the text in his famous war novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, which tells the life of young Paul Bäumer as he serves during World War 1. The book was, and still is, praised to be universal. The blatant show of brutality, and the characters’ questioning of politics and their own self often reaches into the hearts of the readers, regardless of who or where

  • John Steinbeck's All Quiet On The Western Front

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    In the story “All Quiet on the Western Front,” WW1 is narrated by a German soldier, Paul. The war is explained as having mainly negative effects on the soldiers: “...men who, even though they may have escaped its shells, were destroyed by the war.” (1) In the beginning of the novel, Paul and his friends dreams about what their life would be like if there was peace. Their view on the war’s brutality is not deep, but many feel it has ruined any chance at a normal life. Even when mentioning home, it

  • All Quiet On The Western Front Rhetorical Analysis Essay

    403 Words  | 2 Pages

    on The Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque is about 19 year old Paul and his friends in the “Second Company”. Even though they are just out of school age, they have already seen things that many could not bear to even think about. Eventually, all of his friends die, and even Paul too, dies. Remarque uses diction and syntax as literary devices to express his anti-war theme, or lesson. Using diction, Remarque is able to communicate an anti-war theme in the novel All Quiet on the Western Front. For

  • All Quiet On The Western Front Film Review Essay

    1499 Words  | 6 Pages

    November 14th, 1979. All Quiet on the Western Front. A drama and war film that goes in depth to the trenches and the German patriotism that lies deep within. Late in World War I on the German Western Front. Directed by Delbert Mann, a young German soldier faces the realities and horror of World War I, face to face. The story begins with a young German teenger, Paul Baumer, who is drafted into the war; eager to fight and serve his country. At his school, him and his friends were filled with relentless

  • Analysis Of Erich Remarque's All Quiet On The Western Front

    1226 Words  | 5 Pages

    In Erich Remarque’s tragic novel, All Quiet On The Western Front, he depicts the hardships war has on an individual, especially the younger generation. From these hardships, the audience understands why the individual is not able to find a way to reconnect with his past life. Paul’s war experience destroys his empathy, as well as his connection to others and the society that he once was a part of. The impact of the war stripped Paul of his humane connections between him and his society, and in the

  • Analysis Of All Quiet On The Western Front

    773 Words  | 4 Pages

    In All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) film, it does depict the feelings, living conditions, and combat experiences of the World War 1 soldiers. The film shows how the soldiers lived during the World War 1, there might have been a very few slightly different details between the film and the lecture notes. Although, the film does give the audience an accurate image of how the living conditions were for the soldiers during the war. In All Quiet on the Western Front it shows the Germans and how their

  • All Quiet On The Western Front Themes

    622 Words  | 3 Pages

    The book All Quiet on the Western Front, written by Erich Maria Remarque, has many apparent themes throughout it. One of the main themes is the Lost Generation. It is defined as, by dictionary.com, as “the generation reaching maturity during and just after World War I, a high proportion of whose men were killed during those years”. The novel is set during World War I, focusing on young men fighting for Germany. All Quiet on the Western Front emphasizes the Lost Generation because of how it focuses

  • Summary: All Quiet On The Western Front

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    All Quiet on the Western Front is a novel about Paul, a young German man who fights for the army on the French front in World War I. Paul and his classmates joined the German army after listening to the patriotic speeches of their teacher. After experiencing brutal training at the hands of the cruel Corporal Himmelstoss and brutality of life on the French front, Paul and his comrades have realized that the ideals of patriotism for which they enlisted are clichés. As a result, Paul and his friends

  • All Quiet On The Western Front Analysis

    1273 Words  | 6 Pages

    during the destruction and harsh conditions of war, and this is prominently displayed all throughout Erich Maria Remarque’s novel All Quiet on the Western Front. Narrator and protagonist Paul Bäumer, along with his comrades, including Tjaden, Müller, Albert Kropp, Franz Kemmerich, Haie Westhus, and Detering, constantly support one another while out on the front, in the hospital, and throughout the war. Most of them went to the same school before enlisting, but their bonds grew and strengthened during

  • Brutality In All Quiet On The Western Front

    691 Words  | 3 Pages

    Remarque’s Development of Wartime Brutality and the Differences in Wartime Today All Quiet on the Western Front is a timeless story that portrays the good and the bad of being involved in a war, specifically World War 1 (WW1). Throughout the novel, Remarque develops the theme of brutality in the war. He presents the topic of brutality quite often. The brutality during wartime has short and long term effects, but also is somewhat different from war today. The theme is developed in many ways,

  • All Quiet On The Western Front Reflection

    1215 Words  | 5 Pages

    All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque is a story told by a soldier named Paul Bäumer about his experiences during World War I. The war lasted from 1914 to 1918 affecting a whole generation of young men across the world. There was so much death during the WWI that sometimes families would lose more than one soldier. Paul describes how horrendous death was in the book. This showed readers the true insight of war at the time. Paul and his six friends from his class all joined the war

  • All Quiet On The Western Front Analysis

    771 Words  | 4 Pages

    All Quiet on the Western Front and The Storm of Steel, are two novels about World War I that were written from completely different viewpoints of two German soldiers. Remarque, author of All Quiet on the Western Front emphasized the atrocities of war that the main character, Paul, experienced which outweighed any purpose other than to support his brothers on the battlefield. In the Storm of Steel, Junger is totally convinced that World War I was a great event and he stressed how important it was

  • Juxtaposition In All Quiet On The Western Front

    930 Words  | 4 Pages

    Millions of people have gone through life-altering experiences in their time in World War I. In Erich Maria Remarque’s novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, Paul Bäumer, a 19-year-old German soldier, narrates his personal memoirs of this war. He describes the mental change and suffering he goes through as he is forced to mature from a young boy to a soldier in order to survive, leaving him permanently scarred from the throes of war. By employing juxtaposition to contrast Paul’s mindset, before

  • Comradeship In All Quiet On The Western Front

    542 Words  | 3 Pages

    accompanied the bullets as they flew into the hearts of friend and foe. Yet, through the spitting machine guns and muddy, rat-ridden trenches, the men remained loyal to each other. Comradeship, a theme prevalent throughout the novel All Quiet on the Western Front, is shown through the quiet determination, recognition, and fellowship of the “Iron Youth.” In Chapter One, the reader is introduced to the characters as a collective group, already lending the book to a spirit of camaraderie. This is distinctly

  • Symbolism In All Quiet On The Western Front

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    The book, All Quiet On The Western Front, by Erich Remarque, tells what happens to a group of German teenagers during World War I. Throughout this novel, Remarque has certain symbols for objects in the book that represent or mean something. For example, Kemmerich’s boots symbolized death. That’s just one example but there are a bunch more symbols and they all have connections to each other. Paul Baumer was one of the main characters in this book. potato pancakes symbolize Paul’s family and mother