Quartering Act

The Quartering Act of 1765 was an act passed by the British Parliament during the reign of King George III. It required American colonies to provide food and housing for British soldiers stationed in their area; this sparked great outrage among colonists, who felt that it violated their rights as citizens. The act allowed for troops to be quartered in any public or private building, including homes, inns, and taverns. Furthermore, if necessary, local governments are expected to pay for supplies such as bedding and candles used by military personnel.

The passing of this legislation caused a great deal of tension between Britain and its North American colonies because it infringed upon colonial liberties guaranteed under English law at the time. Colonists argued that they should not have to bear financial responsibility for maintaining an army on their soil without being represented in parliament or given a say over how taxes were spent; these grievances ultimately contributed significantly to growing unrest before the start of the Revolutionary War in 1775–1783. In response to these protests from Americans across all 13 original states, Great Britain repealed most parts of the Quartering Act after several years, with some minor modifications still remaining until 1786, when it was finally declared nullified altogether following America's victory against England in the war.