Andrew Jackson Bully Essay

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Andrew Jackson was regarded by most as a war hero and extremely popular with the people of America. I propose, however, that President Andrew Jackson was nothing more than a bully who caused some one of the worst atrocities in American history, and several of the policies he had enacted changed the country for the worse. The War with the Banks, the Creation of the Spoils System, and the Indian Removal Act which caused the dark and brutal movement known as the Trail of Tears are all reasons why King Andrew should be regarded with disfavor rather than praise. The first policy that changed the country for the worse thanks to President Andrew Jackson would be the War with the Banks. The War with the Banks, or the elimination of the Second Bank …show more content…

The president of the bank, Thomas Biddle, fought back, but when everything was said and done the bank was dismantled and liquidated. The immediate effect of Jackson’s personal war on the bank was that interest rates were sky high, but it was the after effect of his crusade that is the real reason this is one of his worst policies. The War on the Banks created the Great Panic of 1837. The Panic of 1837 was caused by both Thomas Biddle’s action to fight back against Jackson by calling in loans as well as Andrew Jackson’s Specie Circular, which stated that people could only pay for land with gold and silver. The Panic of 1837 created a serious depression in the United States. Many were unemployed, there seemed to be no help from the government to help …show more content…

It is one of the many brutalities our country has committed against Native Americans. This would be the Indian Removal Act. The act was disturbingly inspired by the idea of Manifest Destiny. It gave Jackson the power to order the numerous Native tribes that inhabited the land east of the Mississippi River out. This order also stated deemed it appropriate for Jackson or anyone to use force if necessary. Jackson, thus, took it upon himself to use military force to against tribes that heavily resisted the order, like the Sauks. Jackson was not the only person to attack the natives, though. Bands of militias in the mountains also took the opportunity to take native land. President Jackson’s administration then forced most of the Five Civilized Tribes west, to the land across the Mississippi River. This great forced migration became what is known as The Trail of Tears. Thousands did not survive the journey westward. Then more insults came to the Native American people as the land they were moved to and promised, over time, began to be invaded once more by American settlers. Native lands just shrank and shrank and shrank over time until the government established reservations. The reservations remained and the Native lands became what we know them as today. The idea of Manifest destiny and one President who saw these peoples, who lived on this continent for thousands of

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