Essay On Social Issues In Cuba

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Everyone has heard about Cuba, but it might be one of the most interesting places that people really don’t know too much about. Cuba is the biggest islands in the group of West Indi islands, that is just west of the Dominican Republic. This large island is also just over 89 miles away from Florida and the Gulf. The terrain on the island of Cuba is very interesting. It is interesting because in the southeast area there are a lot of mountain and green rolling hills and on the opposite side of the island it is some very flat terrain. Around Cuba, there are also smaller islands and cays. The island of Cuba includes sixty cities. The most popular being Havana with a population just over two million, and the smallest being just over twenty thousand called Micro-Lisa. Cuba also …show more content…

With Cuba being governed under communism the children of Cuba are taught at a very young age that they should be living and work for the state. When this happen the children can’t really learn to express emotions or learn how to have their own voice. Thus meaning when they are older they have never really been taught to revolt o speak their own mind in any way. The second major social issue in Cuba today is the vulnerability and poverty in Cuba. A few main reason of this in Cuba right now is because of the trade embargo. Since nothing was ever really changing in Cuba people’s incomes stayed the same selling and doing all the same things. Cubans make an average of just over 20 dollars every 2 weeks.(“Average salary in Cuba rose 1 percent last week to 20$ a month”) With the earnings being brought in on a yearly basis, there is not a good chance that a lot of the residents of Cuba fall above the poverty

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