Fear And Manipulation In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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A world where they are free from their oppressors, a world without classes that tear societies apart, a world where everyone is equal. Those were the promises of Animalism in the novel, Animal Farm, by George Orwell. A story of lies, false promises, and the rise of the dictator, Napoleon who inevitably becomes the oppressor that the animals had started a rebellion. Napoleon's rise to power and maintenance of it makes the rebellion seem like it had never happened. The methods that dictators use to be able to rise to power are the use of fear and manipulation and they are able to maintain their power over society with propaganda and censorship. The use of fear and manipulation allows dictators to be seen as the ones to prevent their fears …show more content…

The promises of the rebellion were crushed by the rise of a dictator to rule over all animals using fear and manipulation, being to enforce their rule and maintain their power with the use of propaganda and censorship. Being able to rise to power with just fear, manipulation, propaganda, and censorship was the biggest reason that dictators were a major problem in the 20th century. Napoleon’s rise to power is simply an allegory to Stalin’s rise to power. It shows that even a normal person like Stalin can rise to power quickly and enforce his rule over society. Using such tactics is dangerous for societies involved and it has been repeated over and over like the rise of Hitler and Mao Zedong who ruled with an iron fist and caused countless atrocities while the people believed they were doing it for the good of the people with what they see and believe manipulated using propaganda and censorship. The rise of dictators can happen to anyone at any time, it is important to put in preventive measures to keep the powers of anyone in check, or before we even know it we are supporting the atrocities and damages of cruel dictators who had used their support to wreak havoc on our society. Announcing that it is for the good of the people and the world, so with their power, they will work towards their

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