Future Of Marijuana

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What is Marijuana? Is it an illicit drug or medicine of the future? Marijuana is the most controversial drug in the United States. There has been little to zero research done on the topic Marijuana. In a research by Emily Ansell “Despite increases in use of marijuana, very little research has examined the real world effects of recreational marijuana use on daily experiences”. Marijuana might be the only drug that has the three contexts when describing what a drug is. It has a medical utility in which it supposedly help cancer patients get through the harsh effects of chemotherapy. The illegality of marijuana is the illicit recreational use by adults and adolescents in a dangerous way. Marijuana also has a psychoactivity effect in which the …show more content…

The American Academy of Pediatrics states in their article, “marijuana is the most commonly used illicit substance among adolescents. Recreational sale and possession of marijuana by adults remain illegal in most states and remain illegal under federal law.” As an adolescent, I was introduce to smoking marijuana at the age of sixteen; however, I did not use the drug. Currently, children are being introduced tom marijuana in kindergarten and middle school. A younger friend of mine told me, a high school student introduced them to the drug when they was in eighth grade. Marijuana has become the drug of the future and is distribute in places it should not. “Youth substance use rates depend on a number of factors, including legal status, availability and ease of access of the substance, and perception of harm (Ammerman).” The age range of users of marijuana is slowly declining with the changing of laws and the increased availability. In regards to the legal status if marijuana was to become legal, it would mean children of any age could purchase and use the drug. An effect of this would be students in class all high of the drug because the government said it was legal. I recall a time at Old Dominion University, where I was walking to my apartment then suddenly appeared a high school student. He asked if I was the person on the phone that needed marijuana. Marijuana has become one of the most openly available …show more content…

are some of the drugs that are widely known to be addictive. Marijuana is one of that drugs that is highly addictive, however; most users are unaware. The main reason why the drugs such as heroin and the rest are widely known to be addictive is the noticeable effects that it leaves. Heroin for instances leaves the user feeling nausea, weight loss, dry mouth, etc. these effects are notice within a short period of using the drug. Users of marijuana only experience a sense of relaxation and the only noticeable problem is the need to eat food. Because of the lack of any major effect of marijuana, users continuously use the drug and never realize that slowly they have become addicted. While marijuana is one of the cheapest drug to obtain, the price of most is twenty dollars for a gram. Some users are willing to spend that money almost every day just to get feel the psychoactive effect of the drug. To sum, users gradually want to get high and tend to focus on only that effect of the drug. This leds to complications for adolescents, “Research has shown that the younger an adolescent begins using drugs, including marijuana, the more likely it is that drug dependence or addiction will develop in adulthood. A recent analysis of 4 large epidemiologic trials found that marijuana use during adolescence is associated with reductions in the odds of high school completion and degree attainment (Ammerman)”. Most users of marijuana would not

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