Gender Pay Gap-Statistics, Trends, Reasons And Solutions By Abby Hayes

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The gender pay gap has been a very controversial topic for a long time. Abby Hayes talks about this topic in her article, “Gender Pay Gap - Statistics, Trends, Reasons and Solutions”. Abby Hayes is a journalist who writes about personal finance, health, and wellness, she also has a B.A. in English Literature from Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. Through her article she explains the gender pay gap, the difference in pay of women and men, and how women can solve the difference so that they can get equal pay. Hayes uses research and statistics to give reason to her examples and what she says about the gender pay gap.

Hayes begins her article questioning if men and women actually get paid differently for the same work. To give an answer to the question, Hayes goes by a known statistic that women make 77 cents on the dollar compared to men, but then gives another statistic saying women make from 58.4 cents to 79 cents per each dollar a man gets, and it differs between ethnicities (para. 3 and 4) . Hayes says that the pay gap still occurs even when the woman has a higher education than a man and when the man and woman are in the same …show more content…

Hayes encourages men to take responsibility at work because it can help women with taking care of their children and chores, with the help women can become more presentable at work and reduce the idea that moms are less committed at work. She also encourages men to advocate for others at work because it can help fix the gender pay gap. She also encourages men to set an example for their children because children are most likely to follow what their fathers do, so if a father shows that he cares about the gender pay gap and shows that he’s trying to fix it, his children will do the same thing when growing up(para.

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