'How Boys Become Men' By Jon Katz

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The road to manhood is not an easy road to travel on for many boys. Junior in my opinion does not follow the Code of Conduct outlined in the "How Boys Become Men" article by Jon Katz. In Katz' article he has a specific set of 6 rules to follow in order to become a man. Some of these rules are things such as "don’t be a snitch" or "let boys fight their own battles". Junior from "The Absolutely True Story of A Part-Time Indian" does conform to some of the rules highlighted by Katz but for the most part he does not. Some examples of the ruled he doesn’t conform to is "don’t be a goody-goody", "never discuss anything of importance with anyone", and "empathy is for nerds".

Katz says "never discuss anything of importance with anybody" is an important rule to follow in order to become a man. Junior doesn't follow this rule, Junior often times broke down and discussed struggles and hardships with Rowdy. Discussing things of this nature is discussing things of importance meaning Junior doesn't conform to the third rule in Katz' Code of Conduct. Another example of Junior not following this rule is when he talks to Gordy about Rowdy and why he hates Arnold. They also discuss how things are difficult on the rez now that Junior is going to school in Reardan. Junior discusses things of importance all the time so he is not conforming to rule three of the Code of Conduct. …show more content…

Junior is empathetic to not only Rowdy but also Penelope. Junior opens up to Penelope about his dreams and develops a liking for her this is very empathetic and proves that Junior doesn't follow Katz' rule that empathy is for nerds. Another example of Junior being empathetic is the fact he says that he misses Rowdy a lot when they part ways. His longing for Rowdy shows he doesn't conform to the Code of Conduct set up by

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