How Did The Little Rock Nine Impact The Civil Rights Movement

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Little Rock Nine were a group of African American students who were prevented from entering a segregated school by the Governor of Arkansas, but then they were escorted in after the president called in the National Guard. From this discussion we will evaluate a possible impact, this particular event made on the civil rights movement as a whole. Most of the primary focus of the civil rights movement was directed towards education. Level of education would certainly impacted African American’s socioeconomic status in that society. The event started from African American students wanting to get an education, and later which was later escalated to a larger issue, when the president got involved. Three years before the Little Rock Nine protested, the Brown vs. Board of Education case was implemented and declared racial discrimination in schools as unconstitutional. Little Rock Nine and the Brown vs. Board of Education eventually gave rise to …show more content…

Little Rock Nine targeted the current segregation that was wide spread at the time, by drawing attention from the African Americans entering into the high school, the entire nation was brought into the conflict. Nine African American students were up against 1,900 white students in one school. One of the student members of the Little Rock Nine, Patillo Beals, stated that she had a “bounty” to her head. The student council of the school offered ten thousand dollars for her to be dead. African American students like Patillo Beals would have to go through verbal abuses and racism, just to get the quality education that they deserve. With many attempts to seek equality in white-only schools, as of May 17 1954, the Brown vs. Board of Education case stated that segregation in schools was unconstitutional (even though racial practices still occurred after the case was struck down). The white people’s ignorance still occurred around these

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