How Has The Dust Bowl Affected America

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“The impact is like a shovelful of fine sand slung against the face” (Carlson). There have been numerous impacts on the United States that made the nation turn into a disastrous place. One of the various effects during the Great Depression was the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl affected countless crops in the farmers’ fields, but the Great Depression itself limited the amount of crops that the farmers could plant (17 Interesting Facts). The name of the Dust Bowl was given due to the tremendous amount of dust storms that were occurring so often. The Great Depression was an unpleasant time period for the citizens of America. The atmosphere and the people of the U.S. were dramatically changed by the Dust Bowl in the 1930’s.
The Dust Bowl has a gargantuan …show more content…

One of the main causes of the Dust Bowl was the overgrazed and over planted fields that the farmers performed. Another large cause of the Dust Bowl was the failure of farmers to plant drought resistant crops (17 Interesting Facts). The Dust Bowl caused ecological, economical, and human misery to the United States of America. The extremely high temperatures, poorly practiced agriculture, and erosions of wind generated the Dust Bowl (What Caused The Dust Bowl). Numerous amounts of the dry regions in the south were the locations of the start of innumerable dust storms. These locations were mainly Oklahoma, the southeastern part of Colorado, Texas, and southwest Kansas (Ganzel). The dust clouds caused the farmer's cows to become blinded and suffocated by the dust (17 Interesting Facts). These extensive causes were the start of the terrifying Dust …show more content…

As the drought began, prices of crops were decreased. This desperately caused farmers to start purchasing more and more crops, which then led to more soil being destroyed (17 Interesting Facts). The prices of crops were lowered, which allowed the farmers to add more acres, thinking they would produce more crops (Drought Basics). As the Dust Bowl proceeded, the farmers did not just watch their crops blow away, but their jobs as well (17 Interesting Facts). The farmers were not reeling in much money as they are used to, which inspired farmers to cultivate their fields (Drought Basics). Numerous farmers went through pain and tension as they had to physically watch their crops go to

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