How Is Chris Mccandless Attraction To Be Dangerous

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Chris McCandless showed one of mankind’s most primal attractions: the attraction to danger, and how deadly it can be to follow it to the extremes. More than half of his short life seemed to have been spent chasing the final adventure; the best adventure he could possibly have. His attraction to danger started at a very young age and stayed with him till death. Chris also told many people of his fear of water because of Mexico; which was caused when he took an aluminum canoe into the ocean which is very dangerous. Also his views about the law and the future showed his pull to the adventurous and dangerous. The attraction to danger starts at an early age, and for Chris it started at the young age of two. Chris McCandless at the age of two had started showing his adventurous …show more content…

He thought that no laws should control what he does. When he sees signs that tell him to not do something, like a sign warning about not going off road, he ignores them and does exactly what the sign says not to (Krakauer 27). He shows throughout his life how he hates the laws that control him. It seems ironic that his parents had wanted to go into law school when his number one enemy was laws. His father reinforced rules and forced Chris to live by multiples upon multiples of laws and rules. That is probably where his rebellion came from was from all of the rules he had to follow. He also had a very Transcendentalist view on the future. How the future was meant to be was full of adventure according to Chris. He told Franz, “...damaging to an adventurous spirit is a secure future” (Krakauer 57). If you have a secure future there can be no adventure was how it seemed Chris thought; which probably stemmed from his childhood when his parents were constantly working and he was not able to do normal things with them. He then felt the pull to danger and listened to it and followed it to adventure, which led to his deathly final

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