How Moving Affects Children Essay

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Valeria Colon Valero Mrs. Rossbach English II Honors February 23, 2023 How Moving from Place to Place Affects Children Moving is one of the most stressful things a person could do in life, especially a child. Today, relocating is an almost inevitable part of life. It affects everyone differently and can have different impacts on people. Moving from place to place affects children because they are forced to leave everything they are familiar with and adapt to an entirely new environment. To begin, leaving a familiar environment, such as school, can be difficult for a child. For example, “They may leave a school where they know most of their classmates and move to a new school...This can be quite traumatic” (Changing Schools, 4). This quote shows that having to leave familiar environments and people in a certain place can be a grueling experience for children and teenagers. The process of moving can also leave a negative impact as it can be traumatic for the child. As another example, “Changing schools may have lasting effects on children. …show more content…

One example in which adapting to a new environment can be a struggle, “children who move frequently are 35 % more likely to fail a grade. It can also put a child academically behind by up to six months” (Changing Schools, 3). This demonstrates how children can fall behind academically when trying to catch up with and adapt to the curriculum at the new school. Another example as to why adapting to new environments can be difficult, “The idea of having new teachers, classrooms and friends can be daunting to even the most outgoing of kids” (Range, 1). This shows that having to get used to new people at school after moving can be a struggle. To summarize, adapting to new environments can be difficult both academically and socially for children because changes in curriculum and peers can be challenging to go

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