How To Write A Narrative Essay On Softball

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It was a hot, summer day when there was the biggest and most important softball game of the year. It took place in Moville, Iowa. This softball game determined whether we go to Des Moines to play for state or not. We were getting ready for the game, up at the field, right next to Co-Op, the swimming pool, and the city park right on the highway. The coaches put you in stations to let you practice on your hits, catches, pitching, grounders, whatever would happen in a scenario. Everybody was mostly hitting home runs, which we call dingers, that’s how good we were with our hitting, and that’s what mostly gave us the runs, was our dingers. After we got done practicing hitting, we would practice catching pop flies and getting grounders. Outfielders would do their thing, the infielders would do their thing. Once we got done practicing that, we practiced on our throwing. No rainbow throws, no ground throws, basically, no bad throws or you run around the infield once. They wanted throws getting thrown right to the target, not under the target, not above the target, not aside the target. They worked us very hard everyday, that’s how we’ve come …show more content…

We unload everything from the bus, bats, helmets, t’s, nets, and the softballs from the front seats and take them to our dug out. We set everything up behind the dug out and in the right field where we are closest to and start practicing with a partner in stations. We get to choose our partners, but if we are messing around and not practicing, they choose for us, just for that game. First, West Sioux is on the side practicing catch, hitting balls in the out field, hitting a mat as hard as we can, and anything else they tell us to practice with while the opponent is in the infield practicing hitting, catching, doing scenarios, etc. Next, we switch… Woodbury goes off the field and we come in the field. We hit, catch, do scenarios, the same thing the other team

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