Humorous Wedding Speech By A Soldier's Funeral

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Thank you. I know that the tuesday evening was as difficult for you as it was for each of us. But without you, But without you i wouldn 't of had this opportunity to write this now. You 'll never know what it meant to me and the feeling that i felt in the pit of my stomach as i was able to look you in the eyes and hold your hands for the last time.The amount of things that i wanted to tell you and ask you at that moment in time but I didn 't I didn 't want to cause you any more pain or suffering. I want to thank you for saving me and for what you did on the behalf of your country. From that moment in time i have learnt what it means to be strong and persevere through the toughest of challenges even watching someone you know die. Thank you for putting your life on the line for me and others in this country. You were a true inspiration to me. The gratitude i want to express to you for your years of hard work during your service and for your willingness to bear the burden of me and the country on your shoulders with little complaint. That role was not fairly placed upon you nor was it rightly yours. You treated me like a brother and lead the team with skill and determination. I have constant memoires of all that you and i and our fellow soldiers faced and strived to achieve what we could for our families and our country. However i still oppose our last mission and i question the morals and ideas of the people behind the mission. I …show more content…

Not once. You knew this could happen each and everyday and you lived with that thought as you protected me and the others time and time again until the dreaded moment when you put your body on the line to save me. Watching you die, holding your cold dying body left me in

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