Importance Of Living In America Essay

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Living in America means; I have opportunity, freedom, and respect, which are my rights. Living in America. I can read. Write. Growing up in America, I’ve been blessed to have all the things I have, all the opportunities given. My life definitely wouldn’t be the same if I would have grown up anywhere but America

Here in America, people say there is an opportunity, I agree with this statement. My plan for my future is, going to a 4 year college, getting my masters, than my Phd. Use the things that I have learned to get a great job that I love, start a family, work, and travel. Here in America I know I can achieve all these things that I desire because of opportunity. Everyone gets the opportunity to do something great, something no one else has ever tried before. Thomas Edison, an American inventor once said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls, and looks like work.” I will achieve all my goals in life, plus take every opportunity given, cause if I don’t I know i’ll regret it. Regrets will never be what I want to achieve, cause like …show more content…

Respected. Respect is a feeling of admiration or deference toward a person. Respect is truly an amazing quality to possess, if you are respected by your peers, you can feel more open, more loved, you know they will be there for you. Here in America I have felt what it’s like to be respected, it feels like love, like trust, to me it is the core to friendships. I have also felt what it’s like to lose respect, it's tragic, it hurts, it’s worse than sadness, but not as bad as depression. I now feel respected. But the truth is, are we, as a people respected by America? Or are we just tools hanging in a shack? Martin Luther King Jr. Once said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” Respect may not come straight forward, but you can fix that by respecting other people

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