Latino LGBT Community Analysis

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Hispanic or Latino face physical, psychological and social discrimination especially Latino LGBT communities which are most suppressed one, due to their gender and sexual identity. This problem persists since longtime. Discrimination is born when one feels that his identity is different from others and superior. They are discriminated economically, socially and psychologically. LGBT face discrimination not only at work place but also at home and schools. Other communities due to their sexual and gender identity do not accept Latino LGBT communities. Insecurity of job and future prevails in their minds. Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) brought a hope in Latino LGBT communities. It could have prevented discriminators like landlords and employers …show more content…

This was very tragic event for the Latino LGBT community that was openly targeted. It was because of discrimination against gender identity. Such hate-motivated crime brings an environment of fear and insecurity among Latino LGBT community. Houston Ordinance will be a key for the protection of Latino LGBT communities for their acceptance in society. Background and population of LGBT Community: Latino’s or Hispanics communities have very fast growing population. With the growth of Latinos, the growth of Latino LGBT community is also obvious. UCLA 's Williams Institute reported that regions with higher concentration of Latinos or Hispanics have more LGBT Latinos, the foremost states being Nevada, California and Texas. Unfortunately, those are states that likely to have limited legal protections for LGBT community. The survey also pointed that there are 1,419,200 LGBT Latinos in the America, it projected that approximately 30 percent of same-sex couples who stay together live as well in populations with high numbers of Latinos. Al though, among them 63 percent is interracial and one of their partners is not Latino …show more content…

Example added, restaurants, hotels, motels, bars, theaters, sports clubs and other places which are used for public amusement. HERO would have lessened the ratio of homelessness in Latino and other LGBT communities, if implemented in its true spirit. Intersectionality will also clearly works with the ordinance for the understanding of this problem. Latino LGBT Military status: Generally, men are likely to join and serve in military compare to women. Latinos LGBT, individuals and same-sex couples are small in numbers compare to non-LGBT Latinos to serve in military. In contrast with them, Latino LGBT women as an individual and same-sex couples are more in numbers compare to non-LGBT Latino women. Remarkably, Latino women in same-sex couples are four times more chances to enter the in military compare to their different-sex counterpart shared by National Lesbian and Gay Task Force (2006). Houston Equal Rights Ordinance also protects Latino LGBT community discrimination in their military status. Article I (section 17-2) can be referred, which defends Latino LGBT communities along with other categories according to their military status. These differences are very much defined in theory of

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