Little Rock Nine Essay

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The Little Rock Nine changed the face of segregation in the entire country, and it was the help of nine African American students. These students were denied enrollment from the Governor of Arkansas at the time, Orval Faubus; and then later was overturned by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, when it made national attention. They continued their fight through the process until granted what they deserved in the beginning. In May 17, 1955, the U.S Supreme court had its famous Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. This court battle allowed all of the schools in the nation to be de segregated, tying to the 14th Amendment, that segregated schools was unconstitutional. Once the decision was made, the National Association for the Advancement …show more content…

This was the plan created by the superintendent of the school district, Virgil Blossom. The finalized plan already began by desegregating one high school; the next act of desegregation would happen in 1960, where there would be a few junior high schools open to a limited amount of black children. Then grade schools would be desegregated to a certain degree and that was not planned till late 1964. Little Rock were making changes, but still twisting their beliefs into it, by waiting consecutive years to allow another school have black students. Plus, they would limit the amount of black students in the school, which satisfied the government and the white community. Obviously, the NAACP branch in Little Rock was going to take notice and react which they did. They accused the school board of being unreasonable, undetermined, and slow moving; all because they did want to make immediate changes in the community. The NAACP knew this was to prolong segregation in their schools, but still make it seem that they were making a difference. Although the NAACP did not agree with the actins taking place, the white community accepted it. They thought that it was a reasonable idea, and that to start something new it needs to be tested

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