Personal Narrative About Moving

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I woke up and rolled over to see the time. It was 4:30 in the morning on July 8, 2012 and I could not believe it was already time. Time to actually move. I had lived in the same little house in Driggs, Idaho all my life. It was small double wide, but I loved it anyway. We were moving over two thousand miles to a small farmhouse in Denton, North Carolina. The drive would take seven days and I had no clue what to expect. My emotions about moving were mixed. I did not want to leave all the friends that I had grown up with. I did not want any change in my life. As hard as it was, I had been convinced that, moving was a risk worth taking. And it certainly was. We had packed everything we could fit into a U-Haul over the course of the last two days, and were packing up the last few things. It was around five in the morning, and I put my last thing into the U-Haul. It was my bike. It was the same bike that I rode every day after school with my friends. As …show more content…

I had been to Grand Teton many times before. It is an exceptionally beautiful place. The wildlife was extraordinary. It was about seven and it started to get dark, so we decided to set up camp about halfway through the park. I remember first getting out of the car. My legs had fallen asleep from the long ride and I was just starting to feel them. The birds and insects were especially loud. There was always a mild hum in the air and no matter where you went you could hear it. There was a cool breeze just enough to feel it, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. After setting up the tents we started a fire and were cooking some hotdogs. After that we went to bed. I remember not being able to go to sleep. Just lying there in a little tent next to my brother wondering what might happen tomorrow, and the next couple days to come. I still did not know how to feel about moving. I missed friends and it hurt knowing that I was probably never going to see them

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