Essay On Leadership Experience

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Reflective Report based on the leadership experience encountered during the leadership challenge during activity day. On many occasions, there are often times when we are supposed to lead the way. Leadership is the process or the ability of leading a group or organization but does leadership mean only leading the group? There is more than one definition for leadership. I have worked in groups many times in both academic as well as workplace in which I have both followed a leader as well as led a group. However to be certain, do I know all about what it takes to be a leader? The activity day organized by our university helped me to observe, learn and strengthen my leadership skills. It was a great experience for me through which I could be open-minded and …show more content…

We were given papers where we had to mark the items in order of its importance. I did something alike before in my class and from that understanding, I tried to do this one. We did both individual and group separately and from the result, I understood that there were various people in the group who could lead the whole group to a better result but they were not willing to speak upfront. Even if they did not agree with the decision, they did not have the courage to talk to others and just followed what others said. I had an average result, which wasn’t very good. The group result was poor compared to some individual result. Our group members might have trusted eachother too much or felt shy to let their feelings out, but due to this, our team result wasn’t good enough. I believe we could improve on this part and be confident while speaking about what each of us think. It is essential to have 360 feedbacks to make a decision and for this challenge, we didn’t receive personal point of view but rather most of the members just agreed without speaking. Having analyzed these kinds of situations, I now understand how important it is to have everyone’s point of

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