Research Paper On Night By Elie Wiesel

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Eliezer was born on September 30, 1928 in Romania and died on July 2nd 2016 in New York. He was an author, professor, activist and journalist, he authored 57 books mostly in French and English. Night, a memoir originally lettered in French, was inspired by his journey as a Jewish prisoner in the Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps. Nevertheless Night is a memoir that recounts his experiences as a Jewish teenager during the Holocaust. The memoir begins with Wiesel's childhood in a small town in Transylvania, then follows him and his family as they are forced to leave their home and are transported to various concentration camps. Throughout the memoir, Wiesel describes the horrific conditions he and his fellow prisoners endured, including starvation, forced labor, and the constant threat of death. He also explores the psychological impact of the Holocaust on survivors, including his own struggles with faith and identity. Despite the darkness and despair of the events he recounts, Wiesel's writing is powerful and poignant, making Night a moving and important work of literature that serves as a testament to the human spirit in the face of unimaginable cruelty. …show more content…

The word religion was adapted from the Latin term religio, a term roughly equivalent to “scrupulousness” The decision to embrace a religion is a highly personal one , and is often rooted in a desire for community, guidance, and emotional solace. Religion can provide a framework for ethical and moral decision-making in life, as well as a sense of purpose and direction in

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