Rhetorical Analysis Of The Last Child In The Wood

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Children are not experiencing the outdoors the way they used to. It used to be that children would look out the window at the world when they went on road trips but now they are constantly absorbed by their electronic devices. The Last Child in the Wood by Richard Louv is making a very strong argument on this topic. Richard Louv is concerned with making sure children make the same connections about nature that many generations have made before them. In this piece Louv used rhetorical questioning to draw attention to his most crucial points. Louv also used vivid imagery in order to describe the scenery that the children now days are missing out on. Louv used a counter argument to show the other side of the debate and dispute their claims. Overall …show more content…

Louv brings up the salesman that attempted to sell his friend a car with a tv in the backseat for her daughter. Thes salesman said it was great for parents with young children. The children could simply just watch tv as their parents drove so the parents would not be bothered. It seems like a logical idea at first but then when Louv inputs more of his ideas the backseat tv then seems ridiculous. The backseat tv is something that seems perfectly reasonable if the other side of the argument is not given. LOuv makes the point that without the back seat tv children have a much greater opportunity to take in their surroundings and learn a little bit while they’re at it. The idea of not having a backseat tv seems a little absurd at first but after hearing Louv’s argument having the tv is the option that doesn’t make sense. Louv makes a very strong point in Last Child in the Woods. Louv makes this point by using rhetorical questions to draw attention to his point, Imagery to state what the children are missing, and a counter argument to show the absurdity of having a tv in the backseat. Louv strongly argues that children should spend their time in the car looking out the window instead of at a

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