Sigmund Freud Dreams Research Paper

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Freud believes dreams always have a manifest and latent content. The manifest content is what the dream seems to be saying. The latent content is what the dream seems to be saying. According, to Freud he believes that dreams gives us a look into our unconscious. The word selection I chose for the first outcome was “In a house, falling, one or two bold colors, the opposite sex, genitals, and chair”. I chose these words because I believe that they fit together to make up the Displacement theory and Freud’s 3rd proposition. Freud theory is that people’s “Dreams are the disguised fulfilment of a repressed wish” and/or the Displacement theory which is that “the desire for one thing or person is symbolized by something or someone”. I believe these words make up this theory because according to Freud if someone dreams about being in a house it represents a person’s inner psyche. Each room or floor could symbolize different emotions, memories, and interpretations of meaningful events. Then if someone is falling in their dream it could relate to their …show more content…

I chose these words because they also fit together to make up Freud’s theory of Condensation and 1st proposition category. Freud’s 1st proposition theory is “Dreams are the fulfilment of a wish” and the Condensation theory is that “the dreamer hides their feelings and urges by contracting it or underplaying it into a brief image or event. Thus the meaning if this dream imagery may not be apparent or obvious”. I could relate these words to Freud’s theory because it could symbolize that being on a road as a literal manifestation, convey a person’s direction in life and it could mean it’s time to question their current “life path”. Then the color violet according to Freud is the color that signified “upcoming sexual desires”, which goes perfectly along with his theory of “Dreams are the fulfilment of a

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