The Empties Character Analysis

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A character’s growth in the World and Society
The main character of The Empties is a dynamic character, growing in response to the society around the character. The setting of a post-electricity world allows a new perspective for the reader in addition to how the characters of the new world think, how they rationalize their actions. This is shown directly in how the characters act and react to situations depending on what happens. The side character Dorrie, a woman who set up a café for entertainers, impacts the main character in multiple ways just by existing and working a meeting place for entertainment and what can only be called town meetings. The importance of this not only a part of the importance of having someone to record the town’s history, but also to preserve society itself. Even in a simple bartering system as employed by Dorrie, this is a monumental undertaking that will limit the decay society faces in the time post-electricity. This follows the same line as Quentin, a resurrectionist who ends up still using his laptop from before the current times, charging it using a solar array on a charging tower. Quentin and Dorrie are the vanguards of the old world before the everything fell apart, serving little purpose than to prolong the collapse of civilization in the story. Here is the beginning of the main character growth in response to the people she knows, …show more content…

Meanwhile, the characters of Dorrie, Quintin, Matilda, and the military being influencing the main character, Dorrie and Quintin having minor influence over her while the military unit and Matilda had significant influence and power over the main character. All of these influenced and impacted her, the world reaffirming her beliefs as she was shaped by the characters and world into what she became at the end of The

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