Lenin Peace Prize Essays

  • I Saw Ramallah Analysis

    1909 Words  | 8 Pages

    Introduction The novel as well as the short story proclaimed a literature of the oppressed that extended hope to those who have none. This can be seen in three key dimensions of the Palestinian novel. First, there is a beautification of the lost homeland of Palestine. Palestine is portrayed in literature as a paradise on earth. There is always a sense of nostalgia and belonging to the homeland. For example, the words of Mahmoud Darwish (1941-2008) express nostalgia for a past that every Palestinian

  • I Am Malala

    896 Words  | 4 Pages

    gone through lots in her life, from living in a small town where nobody appreciates the birth of a girl to being shot by the Taliban for going to school. Despite these circumstances, she still spoke up and was the youngest winner for the noble peace prize at seventeen. I am Malala, an autobiography written by Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb in October 2013. This story was set in the year of around 2012, which is the time when the Taliban shot her. The story was set in her school and home in Swat

  • A Short Story Of Malala Yousafzai

    757 Words  | 4 Pages

    Malala Yousafzai! - The girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban! Who is Malala Yousafazi? The July 12th, 1997 there was a girl born in Mangora, named Malala. Her family had not money enough to pay for a midwife, so a neighbor helped at birth. Malala was one of two children who was not stillborn. She got her name form a woman called Malalai, who was the greatest heroine of Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, it is defeat to give birth to a girl. They think women only can cook food in

  • Butler And Robideau's Trial Analysis

    1723 Words  | 7 Pages

    Henry Kissinger is a man who was many things such as being a celebrity, National Security Advisor, and a Secretary of the State and he was and is both loved and hated. Kissinger won a Nobel Peace Prize when in reality he should have won a war prize. It makes no sense making him some kind of superhero. The worldview of Kissinger is that there should not be controversy about this person. With the things that Kissinger did is how hegemony really gets created and started

  • Malala Accomplishments

    413 Words  | 2 Pages

    “I believe the gun has no power at all.” That was said by Malala Yousafzai, “the girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban.” She is known worldwide as a women’s rights activist, Pakistani, and the youngest ever Nobel Peace Prize winner. Her childhood affected her accomplishments, of which there were many, which in turn affected the world. Malala grew up in a school. She always loved going to school. Her father was also enthusiastic about school, and opened one of his own, which

  • Summary Of Night By Elie Wiesel

    757 Words  | 4 Pages

    Elie Wiesel’s novel Night is required reading in just about every sophomore English class in the country. The novel, along with a lifetime of humanitarian work, earned Wiesel the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. Night is one of the most powerful depictions we have of the Jewish experience of the Holocaust; a work carefully crafted to achieve Wiesel’s ultimate purpose: to bear witness to the atrocities and allow the reader to feel the suffering of the Jews and of millions of others so that in identifying

  • Inequality In Alan Paton's Cry, The Beloved Country

    1066 Words  | 5 Pages

    the novel’s production and reception plays a large role in the understanding of the novel. The message that Paton tried to deliver in Cry, the Beloved Country was that only when people accept or love each other as fellow human beings will there be peace, progress and beauty, particularly in South Africa. Race inequality can still be seen today as many of the African-Americans

  • The Scottsboro Trials

    1843 Words  | 8 Pages

    Although the Scottsboro trials was not a pivotal event in Black American history, it was an occasion which highlighted the severe injustice of the American legal system and prejudice that black Americans lived in. From 25th March 1931 when 9 black men allegedly gang raped two white girls on the Railroad from Chattanooga to Memphis, a numerous amount of trials, reversals and retrials occurred, the most in American history. Over the course of two decades the ‘Scottsboro boys’ were made celebrities

  • Summary: The Most Significant Actor Leonardo Dicaprio

    1796 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Most Significant Actor Can one point out a celebrity who has influenced their life? In our world, it is impossible to escape celebrity culture. Images and news headings include everything celebrities do from weight gain to divorce. Paparazzi’s take photos and plaster them all over magazine covers which are distributed to the supermarkets and end up on every checkout stand. Occasionally I am even tempted to pick the magazine up to read more. We consume celebrity’s private lives as if it is a

  • Angelina Jolie Research Paper

    897 Words  | 4 Pages

    Angelina Jolie Research   * and she is known for her humanitarian acts and activism  * Angelina Jolie adopted her first child from Cambodia named Maddox  * Angelina Jolie became the Ambassador of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees   * Angelina Jolie has visited more than 20 countries with world issues to aid refugees running away from war or struggling to make a living with poverty   * Angelina Jolie has been trying to bring awareness about day to day real world issues such as girls and

  • I Am Malala

    505 Words  | 3 Pages

    aspect. Malalas shows dedication in many ways when it comes to her fighting for her education. She didn 't give up, she kept pushing to speak her mind and that important to her, she worked to spread that woman should get an education just like men. "Peace in every home, every street, every country this my dream. Education for every boy and girl in the

  • Charles Spearman's Theory Of Intelligence

    754 Words  | 4 Pages

    THEORIES OF INTELLIGENCE INTRODUCTION Throughout history, numerous researchers have suggested different definitions regarding intelligence and that it is a single, general ability, while other researchers believed that the definition of intelligence includes a range of skills. Spearman (general intelligence), Gardner (multiple intelligence) and Goleman (emotional intelligence) have all looked into further research regarding intelligence, where 3 different theories were formed regarding what intelligence

  • Teen Activism And The Civil Rights Movement

    260 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are problems in this world that’s no secret. But, when people band together they can stop the problems, activism has no age. Teen activists are determined, outgoing, and courageous people. Their causes are things that a lot of people would want to or do support. Some notable activists are Malala Yousafzai, Faye Carey, and Craig Kielburger. These activists are backed by their parents, friends, and other organizations. Malala Yousafzai made news when she was shot by the Taliban. She was shot

  • Teen Activist

    526 Words  | 3 Pages

    There are many types of the teen activist. One type of teen activists is they fight for what they believe in even though their lives may be at risk. These teen activist have the nerve to go out and do what they believe in to help people around the world . They will break the rules if they have to stand up for what they believe in. Some teen activities fight for what they believe in even though their lives may be at risk . One example of

  • Is Jane Addams A Hero

    730 Words  | 3 Pages

    was not only successful with Hull House, but also founded in organizations like the Women’s Peace Party( which aided in the ending the World War I), the Immigrant Protection Program (a program to prevent the exploitation of immigrants), The NAACP, (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and many more. All these accomplishments lead her to be the first women to accept the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 (“Jane Addams.” Dictionary of American

  • Malala Yousafzai Informative Speech

    893 Words  | 4 Pages

    “Education is the most powerful weapon one can use to change the world”-Nelson Mandela Assalamualaikum to my respected teacher and fellow classmates. Today I will be speaking on the topic of Education and a girl hero, Malala Yousafzai. Education can be defined the gradual process of acquiring knowledge. Education is a vital part of anyone’s life. It begins from the time you are born until your death. When we think about education, the first thing that pops into our mind is school and colleges but

  • Research Paper On Malala Yousafzai

    1113 Words  | 5 Pages

    com). Another thing is that she received many awards for speaking out against the Taliban for the education she wanted. In 2014, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for “her struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education” (Yeginsu). She was the youngest to win the Nobel Peace Prize after being “silenced” by the Taliban (biography.com). There was one other major thing she accomplished. On July 2015, Malala took the money from the Malala

  • Martin Luther King's Five Practices Of Exemplary Leadership

    1300 Words  | 6 Pages

    Martin Luther King Junior was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929. His legal name at birth was Michael King. According to Carson & Lewis (2016), King came from a comfortable middle-class family steeped in the tradition of the Southern black ministry. King was a Baptist minister and activist who in the mid-1950s led the civil rights movement. He attended Booker T. Washington High School in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1944, at the young age of fifteen, King entered Morehouse College in Atlanta

  • Malala Thesis

    952 Words  | 4 Pages

    Malala Yousafzai’s Passion and Ability to Inspire Malala Yousafzai was an ordinary 15 year-old teenager that went to school like most girls until one day everything changed her life. Malala wasn’t any ordinary teen after this experience, she developed into an inspiration across the world due to her powerful words. In “The Story of Malala Yousafzai,” Kristin Lewis, Christina Lamb, and Malala Yousafzai describes Malala’s crusade against the Taliban for education rights for all children. Malala’s fight

  • Stereotypes In America

    800 Words  | 4 Pages

    “Once you understand and appreciate other people’s cultural backgrounds, then you can also connect with them more” Either being born or migrating into America you are considered as an American Citizen. In reality are you actually treated as American Citizen? People of America tend to stereotype different races and cultures.However,America is full of diversity and multicultural human beings, but there is a lot of oppression against races or a specific race. Therefore, Americans should embrace being