Monroe Doctrine

The Monroe Doctrine was an important foreign policy statement made by President James Monroe in 1823. It declared that the United States would not interfere with existing European colonies or any future colonization efforts, and it warned other nations to stay out of the affairs of the Western Hemisphere. The doctrine also asserted American neutrality in conflicts between European powers and their colonies, as well as a commitment to maintain friendly relations among all countries in the region.

At its core, this declaration established a new era for US-L in American relations based on mutual respect and noninterference. In addition, it served as a powerful symbol of America's desire for independence from Europe at a time when many Latin American countries were struggling against colonial rule. While initially viewed favorably by some governments across Latin America, subsequent administrations have used the language of the Monroe Doctrine to justify military interventions throughout Central and South America during times of unrest or civil conflict. Thus, while it remains an influential document today, its legacy is complex due to its application over time in various contexts.