Going To College

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I have always planned to go to college. In my opinion there are more benefits in going to college then there are not going to college. One of the benefits in going to college is education. Pursuing a college education is a way to culture your knowledge. Another essential benefit of going to college is it gives you opportunities to meet new people and experience new situations. The most important benefit of going to college is it opens doors to mean career opportunities and can help start the path to a great successful life. There are numerous reason I choose Marshall University as the college I may attend. The main reasonbecause I have a HSTA (Health Science and Technology Academy) scholar ship and I have to attend a school in West Virginia. I choose Marshall out of all the colleges in West Virginia because Marshall has an outstanding Forensic Science program. Marshall is at the top of my college list …show more content…

There are two key categories of Forensic Science. You can either work in a lab setting examining evidence or in the field collecting evidences on crime scenes. I am not sure at this point which path of study I would prefer to take, but I really like chemistry and I am good with technology so I feel the lab setting is the best path for me. Overall, I feel it is very important to attend college and pursue a good education. There are countless reasons I could give to go to college but my reason is because I want an education in Forensic Science. I plan to attend Marshall University and study science. In my opinion going to college is one of the most important decisions to make in life. If you are unsure if you want to go to college I say go because an education gets you places in life. Also if you want to go to an amazing college I suggest going to Marshall

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