How Does Cesar Chavez Use Non Violence

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Cesar Chavez was a civil rights leader, who was a huge advocate for using nonviolent methods to achieve what you want. On the Tenth anniversary of MLKs death, Cesar Chavez wrote an article to a religious magazine expressing his support for the methods of non-violence that Martin Luther King used by using Allusions, Juxtaposition, and diction to advocate that using non-violence is more beneficial than violence. Chavez uses an allusion to Martin Luther King Jr. to honor and bring more attention to his article. “Dr. King's entire life was an example of power that non-violence brings to bear in the real world”. MLK used many methods of non-violence such as speeches and peaceful protest to fight for equal rights and end segregation. He was also the leader of a nonviolent campaign. By alluding to a infamous civil rights leader, Chavez influences his audience to persuade them to choose non violent methods just like Martin Luther king did. …show more content…

He says, “If we restore to violence: one of two things will happen: either the violence will escalate and there will be many injuries… non-violence has exactly the opposite effect”. This comparison is meant for the audience to visualize the effects violence and non-violence has. It also shows that there are many cons to violence, that not only affect the people but the world too. Using this fake scenario of what could happen, Chavez influences the audience by helping them understand that in the long run non-violence has better effects and it’s less harmful to the

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