State Track Meet Process Essay

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The process of making it to a State Track meet is, you have to train for a long period of time, Eat the correct way and placing in all the minor Track Meets. That’s the best way to make it to State.
The first process of making it to a state track meet is you have to train for multiply months so you can be prepared for the first practice meet. You should also exercise during off season so it will not be so hard to get in shape during the season. Training for a track meet can be easy or it can be hard depending on the way you train yourself. The first step in training is that you need to practice running up and down a steep hill. You can also train by having someone that is way faster than you run against you. I have tried this treatment for myself and all that hard work really did pay off.
The next step is eating the correct way so you will not mess up your health during the season. Some may think eating doesn’t have anything with you running track, but it really does because if you eat the wrong thing during a track meet then you will cramp up and it will not be a pretty scene. The day before a track meet you shouldn’t eat anything that is greasy or …show more content…

In my point of view the hardest only hardest track meet I have ran in is the North Half because there is a lot more faster people and more heats to run in. You must qualify in the North Half meet to make it to state. Waking up early in the morning and traveling to Jackson for one day for the best track meet you will ever be at. At this track meet you have to place from first to third in order to get a medal. At the State Track meet it is fun because you get to meet new people and you can buy a t-shirt with everyone’s name on it that made it to state. Running against people that are way faster than you is just a lesson for you to train harder than you did before. Practice always makes

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