Leadership Application Essay

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My involvement in the community started when I was extremely young. At the age of 5, I was helping serve food to the homeless on Christmas morning. As I got older, I volunteered in soup kitchens, recovery programs, and even local after-school programs. In addition, over the years, I have partaken in organizing events such as a Thanksgiving Food Basket Drive as well as a Children’s Christmas Party. Through these opportunities, I have managed to obtain multiple leadership roles such as being an academic mentor, community outreach organizer, as well as a volunteer marketing coordinator. All in all, serving my community is not just an activity that I do, it is a lifestyle that I live.
Beyond all that, the most important leadership role I have obtained within my life is being a role model to the children and young adults in my community. I have been a Sunday School teacher, Youth Leader, as well as simply a friend to many children over the …show more content…

I found this to be so significant because I realized these children that I taught every week, now looked to me as an example. I came to this realization at the age of thirteen, when I crumbled my cornbread into a bowl of soup. Then, soon after, I looked up and a group of elementary schoolers had done the same. They watched me, listen to me, and respected me. I did not take this lightly, instead I made it a point to be kind, stress the importance of education, and be the best representation for them that I could. I believe our youth is the future of our community. Therefore, if I am able to set an example that leads these children down the right path and be a contributing factor to their success, I will. Ultimately, there is one large chain of leaders who raise the next generation leaders, so that the cycle toward equality, justice, and overall positive change is never

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